
Monthly Roundup Link-up - April 2013

A link up that takes a look back at your recent blogging past.

Woah!  Time flew right before my eyes and didn't give me a chance to line up a co-host.  Gasp!!  So I'm doing it solo this month.  But if any of you would like to co-host one month, shoot me an email and I'll get you lined up.  :)

Here's what you do:

--- follow your host 

--- link up.

That's it.  Super easy.  Can't wait to read all of your posts and see what you've been up to lately.

*you can read what this linkup is about HERE.

Doesn't look like we did much last month.  What's up with that?  Oh, yeah, I'm sewing my life away because of that thing business called Jennifer Ann.  But that's gonna change.  I'm going to be putting a little more effort into this blog.  The blog that I started wayyy before making baby leggings.  The blog that is our family diary.  The blog that I love oh so much.  I've neglected her and that's just not cool.  So it's time for her to be put on the middling burner instead of the back burner.

Nonetheless here's the little that I documented during April....

Safari Egg Coloring
Easter Day 2013
Boston Turns the Big 3-0....months
What We Did for Boston Turning 2.5
Spring Line Is Here
Fort Boston

A Few Things About Mr. Cook
An Average Day In Our Life
A-Pretty-Awesome Instagram Giveaway

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