
This and That

A post about "this and that" or "odds and ends" if you will.

- I have finally updated the last 4 months of Letters to Boston.  Hallelujah!  You can check'em out here: 21 Months22 Months23 Months and 24 Months

- My, oh my....I've been smitten with these moccasins every since Boston could wear shoes.  They are the moccasins of all moccasins.  Also known as Freshly Picked moccasins.  :)  I've wanted a pair but never wanted to shell out 60 buckaroos for them.  Until recently.  I did it.  I went against the advice of Jer, our money maker, the guy that brings home the bacon, my sugar daddy.... and got a pair for Boston.
It's love.  And I'm beyond excited for Boston to sport these for the next several months since they go with anything and everything.  He might even sleep with them.  Best thing: they fit his little big feet perfectly!  #obsessedisanunderstatement

- My cousins, mom and aunt all decided to go Black Friday shopping around midnight on Thanksgiving evening.  We picked up some killer deals.  I got so much at such a discount!  I got home at 5:30am and still didn't get to go to all the stores I wanted.  But Jer and I went back the next day.  :)  One of the things that I got were these jeans that I'd been wanting FOR-eva!  And I pretty much scored the biggest discount ever at the Gap with this purchase.
You see, they are called the 1969 Sexy Boyfriend Jeans and they are originally $69.95 per pair.  Let's just say I got both pairs in two different washes for under sixty bones!!!

This is what happened.....Wednesday evening I was cruising Gap's website and noticed that they already had their jeans on sale for Black Friday.  I looked to see if their boyfriend jeans were on sale and they were!  They were a little over $27.00.  I freaked.  Panicked thinking that I must buy them right then and there because that was a killer deal, but I thought I should wait to make sure they fit me before going through the hassle of having to return them if they didn't work out.  Looking back, I took a huge risk of them being sold out online come Friday.  So Friday, while Jer and I were out having our Black Friday date day we stopped in and I tried them on.  LOVED THEM!  But I noticed that they weren't as cheap IN the store (they were $43) as they were online (I have no clue why the prices were so different).  So to keep myself from thinking I was going crazy, I told Jer to open his Gap App on his iPhone, he scanned the bar code with his phone and these boyfriend jeans pulled up with a price of 27 dollars and some change!!!  So the clerk said he would honor that lower website price for us.  Eeeepp!!!!  So that's when I decided to get TWO pairs.  Oh and Jer picked up a pair of jeans too.  We got 3 pairs of jeans for under $90!  Now if you see me in these jeans multiple times a week, that's because they are so comfy and versatile for this momma of a toddler boy.  :)

- Recently I went a few days thinking that I could be pregnant.  Ha.  I had been nauseous during the morning and day time hours.  But knew I wasn't pregnant for "monthly reasons" so I decided I was going to find out where my nausea was coming from.  I always tend to the drive Jer crazy by thinking the worst (like having some kind of deadly disease).  For whatever reason, something told me to stop drinking my morning cup of coffee.  So I did.  Walla!  Bam!  No more nausea.  Holy smokes.....now what am I going to do with out it?  Well....I'm going to buy a different kind of coffee.  Maybe it's something about Folgers that's making me feel ill or maybe our huge coffee canister is old and I've been drinking old coffee.
*update: I'm now starting to think its caffeine in general because I can't even drink a diet soda or tea without later feeling super nauseous an hour or two later.  Jer thinks it could be the acidity and possible heartburn (I've never had heartburn so I'm not exactly sure what it feels like).  Has anyone ever heard of such a thing?  Could this be some medical mystery, ha? :)*

- Jer LOVES these target brand chocolate shakes.  He takes one out of the fridge every morning on his way out the door and drinks them on his drive to work.  We keep a stock pile of them.  I've been horrible at dieting so I've started drinking these shakes here lately.  They are delish.  I'm trying to drink one in the morning and for lunch with a snack in between.  We'll see how long this lasts.  
- A few weeks ago, we had a Pink event at our church.  It's where all the women in our church come together, worship and listen to a speaker about various topics.  They are always so fun.  That night I went with a few of my mom's group (you might recognize Meghan next to me, she tends to be a regular on this blog) girlfriends.  We had dinner before hand and then went to the church afterward.  It was such a lovely evening spending time with these awesome girlfriends alone while the babies were with their daddy's.  They are beautiful inside and out.  And I'm thankful for each of them.
- Get this:  this sweet girl recognized me from my blog.  I got a big kick out of it.  Meghan and I walked into Starbucks after our Pink Night and on our way out with our coffees in hand, this sweet girls boyfriend asked if I had a blog called Our Love and Our Blessing.  Then she said, "I follow you and thought you looked familiar!"  And she went on to say, "when you follow a blog you kinda feel like you know them."  And I couldn't agree with her more.  I follow blogs and always feel like we are friends because I know so much of their families.  Best part, she said, "your little boy is so cute!"  So sweet that she even mentioned my son.  :)  So I had Meg take our picture.

Thank you to the girl that I failed to get your name from!!!

And, yeah, I felt kinda like one of those cool kids.  ;)
- I recently made my Instagram account public.  :)  Come follow us: @jenanncook

- Simply put: I've been really thankful lately for the life He has given me.  You already know that I attend two "moms" groups.  One on Tuesdays and one on Thursdays.  The other day, I was sitting at one of them and starting thinking about how blessed I am to be here with these wonderful groups of women in the middle of the morning while my son is in the children's ministry being well taken care of.  I never want to take this season of my life for granted.  It's truly the best season yet.

- It's hilarious to hear Boston yell "go, go!" at the tv when he sees a football game.  He's seen Jer yell at the tv one too many times during a football game.  Guess he thinks that's what you do when watching football.  Ha.  Its apparent that the kid watches everything we do even when we don't realize it!

- Boston has been lacking in the vegetable-eating-department so I decided to take matters into my own hands.  These have been on his menu lately (among others.  I change it up a little for him so he doesn't get burnt out of the same ol' taste):
*i also add: flaxseed mill, greek yogurt, one banana and ice*

- I have so many project posts sitting in draft form that I don't even know which one to post first.  I might just dedicate a whole week to project posts.  But that might get a little too boring.  Stay tuned.

- These were ordered, delivered and now have been mailed.  Booyah!  Still shocked I got them out before the end of November.  I decided to go plain this year.  Typically our Christmas cards have multiple pictures of events that happened that year.  This year, I decided on only two pictures.  The second picture is on the back.  They are our family pictures from our little family photo shoot we did ourselves while in Florida last month.  I have a whole post dedicated to all of the photos we captured while doing our shoot.  :)
back (it's smaller than the picture on the front)
- Our church has an annual fall festival where they have lots of bounce houses, carnival rides and games.  This was our second year to go and we always have a great time.  We met up with some friends and the kids had a blast.  Boston is at the point where when he gets on a ride and its over he doesn't want to get off.  He wants to go again.  He hasn't gotten the concept down that other people are standing in line waiting to get on next.  Best part: seeing Jason Witten (Dallas Cowboy player) there with his family playing games.  I mean, how cool is that?!  I've known he goes to our church but since we usually go on Saturday evenings we never get to see him.  I might have drooled a little bit.

- Speaking of drooling....I love the love these guys have for each other.  He was so happy to see dada after he got home from work.  This is how they greet each other.  They fall over onto one another. :)

-  This is up and sittin' pretty in our living room!  (more on that later)  Royal blue, baby blue, gold and silver is our theme this year.  


  1. I have three pairs of Gaps boyfriend jean... it is my favorite!!! And I love your christmas card :)

  2. Those moccasins are adorable and I'm just a tad bit jealous of that steal on those jeans!! :)

  3. I love your Christmas Card and Tree!

  4. I am always so jealous of people that have a theme or color for their tree decorations. Mine perpetually ends up being taken over by Penn State and Phillies ornaments. Which I guess is a theme, just not a cool one. Eh.


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