
Grid of Four

Last year, the day of his birthday before we headed out on our adventures, we shot a couple of pictures of him in front of his Boston fabric (that we used for the backdrop of his photo booth at his birthday party like we did again this year) and got some really cute ones of our little one year old.  

These show his cheerful personality.  It miiiight be because he'd been spoiled for going on almost 24 hours from the party and then his birth day celebrations that day.  Such a sense of entitlement....this guy.
Because I'm all about repeating everything year to year when I can....I took more pictures of him again this year a few days after his party in front of the same fabric.  

It was so fun to see how much the little stinker has grown, changed, morphed into a little boy and to see his cool guy/spunky personality.  He was quite the ham.  It's almost like he knows what to do when he sees that big black box thing that mommy always has in front of her face.  He either says, "cheese!, looks the other way (on purpose) or acts a little goofy.  

This day, he was just perfect.  He had all kinds of personality going on.  Its safe to say that I wore my trigger finger out.  But in keeping with the choosing-only-4-pictures theme, these are the ones I chose.  
This picture below is my all time favorite.  It represents exactly him right now.  Smiling so cheerfully and one hand over the other holding it right in front of his lower belly.  He watches tv, rides in the car and (sometimes) walks with his hands like that (behind his back, too).  
This has now become yet another little tradition.  Eventually I'll frame each of them in their grid of 4's.  It would make a nice 16x16, 24x24 or heck even a 40x40 frame one day.  Or I'll put each of them in their own little frame.  Who knows.  The options are endless.  But there's one thing that I do know.....you'll be one of the first to know about it.  :)


  1. This is such a cute idea! I love that last picture of him. So handsome.

  2. Oh I love this! He should wear a blue button-up every time too! And can you BELIEVE how much they change from 1-2??? CRAZY. He's such a cutie!


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