
Happy December and Slashed To-Do's

One of my most favorite months of the year is here!  I can't believe that it's already here.  Sheesh.  In my mind, that comprehends to time going too fast which equals to me getting older quicker.  Not happy about that one bit.

Anyhoo, we have better things to talk about.  Like, this list that Jer talked about almost a year ago.  Let's see what we have and have not done over the year.  AKA: what was and wasn't in our budget.

[1] Replace the washer and dryer with more efficient ones.  *Here it is.

[2] Replace our fallen fence with a new and taller one.  *Here it is.

[3] Repaint the living room.  *Here it is.

[4] Install crown molding in the dining room, living room and kitchen.  * I'll be sharing this, soon. :)

[5] Install a backsplash in the kitchen.  

[6] Get a new camera, learn Photoshop and organize the plethora of electronic photographs we have taken over the last several years, and back them up in a few locations.  *Here it is.  Part of it.  :)

[7] Complete Boston's nursery (and get him to like sleeping and playing in it).  *Here it is.

[8] Sand and repaint the buffet table we just purchased, which we will situate in our entryway.  *Here it is.

[9] Build shelves and more clothing rods in our master bedroom closet.  *Love my new closet!

[10] Build shelves along the walls in the closet space underneath our staircase, and organize all of the stuff we put in it using containers and tubs.  

[11] Draft wills and medical directives for Jennifer and me.  

[12] Start a savings account and/or college fund for Boston.  

[13] Sell needless-but-valuable items so other people can hoard them.  *These sold pretty fast on Craigslist.  I heart Craigslist.  

[14] Build a retaining wall around the frontyard flower bed and maybe around the tree.  

[15] Get electrical power to the hot tub my mother and stepfather gave to us 3 years ago so we can actually fill it up and turn it on.  

[16] Get a photocell installed that will automatically turn on/off the coach lights on the front of our house.  This is purely an item of luxury and one that will meet nicely with my laziness.

There you have it!  9 out of 16 done.  Booyah.  It was better than we expected.  Although, I'm still yearning for that backsplash in our kitchen.  Badly.  Needless to say, we've been pretty busy.  :-)

As for the shelves for the closet under our stairs....well it too is desperately needed.  I have now accumulated even more junk needed crafty things over the last 11 months.  Saying that the closet is a mess is a major understatement.  In fact, because I like to over-share a lot, I thought about taking a picture of it for you to see but my realist side told me NO.  You guys would think I'm a hoarder which Jer is totally convinced of.  Maybe I am, maybe i'm not.  ;)

Let's talk about the wills, medical directives and savings account....well I am not exactly sure why this hasn't gotten done.  But before the year is up, they.will.get.done.and.pronto!  I have that listed on my calendar for the month of December.  

Jer and I can't make up our minds on what we want as a border for our front yard flower bed retaining wall.  Wether we want austin stone rock, which is on the front of our house, or brick.  We have tons of brick leftover from our house and because I'm cheap I'd rather use what we have.  So that'll be something we carry over onto our 2012 to do list (and maybe even 2013, who knows).  

#15 is a huge project that will take time to do since Jer wants to do it right (he's a perfectionist).  Plus, getting time for his dad (whose a master electrician) to come over and show Jer how to do it is a project in it's self.  Love you, Nick.  :)

Lastly, that's another one that we need Jer's dad for.  So who knows when these will get done.  :)

Our 2012 to do list is already looking a little lengthy.  However, our budget will tell us what we can and can't do.  Afterall, we are a one income home and as Jer would say, "I would like to retire earlier than later."  :-)

Me and my Monkey-Boo

Happy December!


  1. To do lists are great! They keep you grounded. As of today I am starting to reflect even more on this year and there are so many things I've forgotten..I should have done a to do list. I will for next year.

  2. I saw your comment about starting a college fund for your little guy. Have you checked out UPromise? We started it for our little girl just 3 months ago and she already has $70 in her account! It's fabulous. Thought I'd pass the news along. Love the name Boston by the way :) He's a cute little guy.


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