
Me and Ikea = LOVE

Remember when we went to Ikea on our date night the weekend before last?  Well, we ended up getting a few things that I just couldn't have lived without (at least that's what I convince myself every time I go), of which included, an 11 inch frying pan with lid, a skid-free mat for our entry, a candle, a flower (yes, one flower, ha), 3 picture frames and two of these shelves....
for this space near our entry/dining room.  It's an odd little slanted wall that sits next to our laundry room door.  We've had a couple of picture frames there but when we textured the walls we never re-hung them.  oh and, please ignore the horrible chocolate brown color on our walls.  It's one of those paint decisions that you totally regret after a few years of living with it.  What was I thinking?  I can't even blame that decision on Jer.....itwasallmydecision!  

When I can get some motivation and my mom to come spend the weekend with us to watch Boston, we will re-paint this whole area (entry, dining room and arch).  It's something we dread since we know it will take a whole friggin' weekend to do since it will require primer first.  

Anyway, here's our empty space that I was dying to fill.  It needed something and not just picture frames.  When I saw the shelves at Ikea I knew they were coming home with us.  Luckily, they were the perfect size for that odd little slanted wall.  
This is what it looks like when you walk in our front door, minis our office doors immediately on the left.  And yes, that would be a shoe of mine right in the middle of the floor.  They magically appear in different parts of the house due to a certain little *cough Boston cough* guy that likes to get into every thing and leave every thing all around the house.
As Jer hung them....
Boston was doing a little of this....
and this.... 
and this.
And voila!  The first one is up and hanging. :)
On to the second one.
Jer covering the screws with some white tape they shelves came with.
And here they are.  The decor will change every so often.  
But for now we have: top shelf - 3 of the vases I painted a few weeks ago (the blue and the two small white ones), and then an engagement picture.  bottom shelf a newborn picture of the B-man, a family picture from Boston's 1 year photo shoot and a Goodwill find shaped into a heart that I found for less than a buck while we were in San Francisco on our anniversary.  Speaking of, I don't think I ever shared our whole San Fran trip.  Wow.  How could I not share that?  It was a pretty cool trip.  
They'll change every so often but for now I'm really enjoying them and what they have on them.  :)



  1. Love those shelves. They look great! Beautifully decorated too! :-)

  2. Thanks, sweet girl!!! :) We are enjoying them a lot.


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