

It's that time again...What I'm Loving Wednesday!

1.  I'M LOVING that I am the proud looser of 10 LBS!!!  Yes'm!  I have lost 10lbs in 5 weeks.  And it.feels.great!!!!  

2.  I'M LOVING these Pinterest finds.
Something about bananas and caramel makes my mouth water.
I'll be making one of these for spring/summer.  Looks simple enough.
Something about this makes me think of the word "classy."
All of this looks so comfy.  And I love the pop of color.
I'll take a pair, please.

3.  I'M LOVING that for about a month now Boston says "Momma" all the time and not "Dada" anymore.  I'll take it!  Hehe. (sorry, Jer).  :)

4.  I'M LOVING that today is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, and Jer and I have decided to give up all drinks except for water.  *and we refuse to complain about it, after all Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for us so complaining about our sacrifice is not-an-option*

4.  I'M LOVING these things called "Bentos."  I've never heard of them until recently and I think they are such a great idea.  Up until recently, I haven't had to worry about packing a lunch for Boston.  He's always with me for all of his meals.  But now that I'm in a new mom's group at church, I have to pack him a lunch while he's at the children's ministry since I am usually gone from him for a good 3 hours.  These Bento's would be great to use.  And cute.  :)  There are a lot of different styles and you can even use little muffin tins to go inside of them.  Amazon and Pottery Barn sell them.  Two great blogs about all things Bentos are: anotherlunch.com and bentolunch.net
5.  I'M LOVING this little tie guy.  He has stolen my heart.

6.  I'M LOVING this guy that so gracefully God chose for me.

7.  MOST OF ALL, I'M LOVING that we are CAR PAYMENT FREE!!!!!  That's right.  Two of our babies are paid off with their car titles in hand!  Yee Haw!  And it-feels-grrreat (as Tony the Tiger would say)!  

P.S. Check back on Friday for another home "update" that we've recently done to our kitchen nook.  It was free (my kinda project) and easy!  :-)

Linking up with Jamie.


  1. Congrats on paying off the car debt. That is HUGE!

  2. Just wanted to say love you guys and your blog! Makes me smile reading it.
    Cash is back on mama again and I LOVE it!! He's also been mister kiss face. Love him to pie es.
    Want to tackle a few projects. Like that place sign thing you have. Maybe you could help me when we have our pay date?

  3. Congratulations on the weight loss! I have just begun a weight loss journey and I am hoping for the best. xo

  4. Thanks so much, girls!! The car debt feels fantastic. Now I just have to keep my eyes off of all the new cars that are out now. :)
    Mere -we love y'all too!!! And love that you are an avid reader. Thank You!!! Love Mr. Cash to pieces too. :) And yes, I can help you with anything anytime!

    FMF - you are too kind. Thank you!!!! Good Luck on your weight loss journey, too!!!! :)


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