
Miscellany Monday

1.  I've recently had some new followers and I've added them to our "Blogs We Dig" list (on the right hand side), so be sure to check them out!  Anytime I have a new follower, I immediately within a couple of days I add them to my list so that others can go check out their blog, too!  So, thank you, to all of you new girls that have recently started to follow our blog!!!

2.  Everything about this dress makes me happy.  So flow-y, elegant, and the color is perfect.  It gets me excited for spring and summer.
3.  We had yucky weather on Saturday so we decided to hang out inside and do absolutely nothing except for watch the funeral service of Whitney Houston.  Just sad.

4.  For a while, Boston has been infatuated with his belly button which was super cute.  But now....he is also infatuated with picking his nose a.k.a. sticking his pointer finger far up one of his nostrils.  :)  He doesn't know what he's doing but I guess he finally noticed that he has nostril orifices.  Ha.  It makes us laugh....that is, until he starts doing it in public.  Eeekk.

5.  Last night we went to an event at our church called Habitation.  It was fantastic!  It was a great two hours that Jer and I got to spend together (while B was in the children's ministry) listening to a sermon about how to hear God talking to you and testimony's of some of God's miracles.  God is Great!!!

6.  I'm excited that I'll be catching up with Boston's "monthly letters" from his daddy and I.  I have months 13, 14, 15, and 16 to add and I can't wait to share them.  This little guy has evolved so much lately.  It's so fun (and bittersweet) watching him grow.  :)

7.  Lastly, I'm excited that I finally updated my list of "Our Topics" on the right hand side of our blog page.  Feel free to peruse them anytime.

Linking up with Carissa.



  1. I love that dress!!! Super cute! My little man is obsessed with his belly button and everyone elses' right now too :) It's really funny when they start to figure that stuff out!

    New follower :)

  2. Thanks, Katie!! That's too funny, because Boston is obsessed with our belly button's too! He likes to pull up mine and my husband's shirts. Ha.

  3. i adore that dress. the color is perfect. and your little boy is the cutest!

  4. Ha, that's so funny about Boston and his nostrils! So far the main thing myboy has discovered are his ears, and he went through a phase where he was grabbing them all the time, so I imagine we might have to deal with a "nostril phase" too!

    Thanks for following my blog - I'm following you too now!

  5. Lori - Aw you are so kind. Thank you!! :)

    Callie - it IS funny to see them have their finger up their nose. Just wait! Haha. :)


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