I don't do this often - document our weekend - but I thought it'd be fun to look at in several years to see what we did do on a certain weekend. so as to not be forgotten.
We start our weekends on Fridays! Don't you?
- the weekend started by going on a walk to the park to play, throw rocks and have a kiss-fest
- played with toys
- little man wore big boy undies over his diaper
- read some books
- little man wore big boy undies over his diaper
- read some books
- played with more toys and trains
- a certain toddler washed his hands on his step stool like a big boy
- read some books
- went to church
- had a celebration date night (post about this celebration coming soon - we are so excited) and saw the movie Zero Dark Thirty. Excellent movie. #a must see.
- had some chill time at Starbucks with just my boytoy
- went to a friends birthday party
- watched the President get sworn in
- had bath time with Boston
- binged on popcorn late Sunday evening
Date night/celebrating something special/family time equals a pretty dang good weekend.
I love looking at pictures of your sweet family! Keep them coming. xx. McKenna Lou
love the pictures you post! & can't wait to hear what the celebration was for...maybe a sibling for Boston??
new to your blog & loving it. you have a beautiful family! & such fun ideas.
OK, girl...you have me dying over this celebration. I am going to begin stalking your blog now, and I will not stop until it is revealed ; ) xo
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