
Santa Does It Every Time

Oy.  Santa does it to our little guy every time.  

Second year in a row that he has not been a fan in the least of sitting on Santa's lap.  Last year we even caught it on video.  The first year, he was too little to even know or care what was going on.  It has to be the best picture of him ever.  :)

Since we put Boston's stocking up late last month (it has a Santa on it) he'll go up to it about twice a day point and say, "Santa Santa!"  I was confident that this year would be different.  Negative.

Since we had my sweet nephew, Noah, (it's our tradition for them to get their pictures taken together each year) the night before we loaded up both boys and met his mommy at the mall.
This mall in Dallas has a very popular Santa.  They require that you get there early and get your number.  Usually we get there get our number and wait in line for about 10-15 minutes, if that.  We get the pictures taken and we're out of there.  

This year was a little different.  

We actually had to wait a little over 2 hours.  Having two toddlers wait in a line for that long was fun.  ;)
But the boys actually did very well.

Then it was time for pictures.  

Noah....calm, cool and collective.  Boston.....well, not so much. 
Jer always asks why we torture our child like that.  Answer: I don't know.  :)  But here's to hoping next year his reaction is a little more like Noah's.  

After we left, we headed home.  Daddy went back to work to finish a couple of projects and then rushed home so we could make it to the church Christmas Musical.  

In the meantime, Boston and I played outside and took some pictures.  
Daddy got home, we went to the church musical and then ended our night with a boat load of sushi.  Not even kidding.  They brought it all out on what looked like a boat.  There was enough to feed an army.  No joke.

Verdict: pretty awesome day making more Santa memories with Boston and Noah.  


  1. I know every mom wants the perfect smiling picture but I think the "bad" ones are just as cute!

  2. Too funny! He is so cute and stylish!


  3. hahaha that is hilarious! I really think it is comical when little kiddies cry in Santa's lap! ANd I LOVE his outfit- yet again... such a stylish little boy!

  4. Oh my gosh, those pictures are so sad, but they made me laugh too! Poor Boston. . .

  5. I'm your newest follower via the GFC hop -- happy to be following your blog!

    One of my friends has a little boy named Boston, too! I think it's such a cool, unique name -- love it! Ohhh, the Santa picture! Haha. We were totally expecting TEARS from my little guy because he's terrified of everything, but he was surprisingly chipper on Santa's lap! It was a huge surprise. Love how little Noah is so calm and poor Boston is crying! They'll appreciate the photo when they're teenagers, haha.



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