
DIY Heart T-Shirt

I know, I know we're two weeks from Christmas but I had to share this non-Christmasy project I did before it turns into 2013.  For some reason, in my imbalanced-chaotic-thinking-brain there's something about it becoming a new year that makes me think I need to share as much as possible from 2012.  That being.... old events/pictures/family stuff.  I'm throwing caution to the wind and I'll be sharing things that I've forgotten/got lost in the thousands of pictures I take each month before 2013 hits.  Like a family trip to the Home DE-Poh (as Jer calls it) that happened back in August along with some recent Christmas activities we've done.

Anyway, let's talk hearts and t-shirts and diy....

Remember back when I made these stenciled tanks for Boston to wear on our vacation to Florida?

Well....I also made ME a shirt.  I wanted to try using the same technique with a huge heart on my chest.  An aqua one.  On a gray t-shirt.

So I.....

Made my template (using photoshop)....
outlined my template with a sharpie to make the outline darker.....laid my freezer paper on top of the template.....and cut my heart out using an exacto knife....
 used this pretty blue acrylic paint.....
 on my Target t-shirt (that I pre-washed).....
 ironed on my heart so that it would stick to the t-shirt....
 and started filling in the heart with my paint.  It took about 3 coats to get it to the darkness I wanted.
 Ooops.  I got a little carried away and painted over the edge.  :)  No worries.  Nothing a little water and rubbing with a towel can't fix.
When I first filled in the heart I noticed that it was a little too small for me and the shirt.  So I took the template off and used my exacto knife to make the heart bigger (very carefully so the heart wouldn't end up lop-sided). 

Here I am on our last day of our vacation sportin' my homemade heart-shaped shirt.  I loved it.  And to my surprise it's held up well.  When I wash it I skip the drying part and let it air dry.  
It's too bad I haven't remember to take another/better picture of me wearing it.  This picture doesn't give it the justice it deserves.  :)


  1. what a great idea!!! love your blog!

    new follower :)

  2. This is so cute! I definitely need to try it. Where did you get the racial paper for the transfer?

    Xo, B

  3. Ha! I’m with you there. I want to get all things 2012 posted before 2013!! I have like 27 drafts saved already! Just have to schedule them out. Grey and Aqua are my favorite color combos. It came out very cute!

  4. So cute! And such a good idea! I love it! found you from the GFC blog hop!
    Have a great day!

  5. It's adorable! Making me wanna get crafty.... :) Excited to be following your (so stinkin' cute) blog! Thanks for joining in on the GFC hop! ((Hugs))

  6. How does it wash?

  7. I am curious on washing as well.....

  8. How do you wash it?


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