
All Aboard The North Pole Express

Another year and another tradition.  The traditions/rituals are never ending for the Cooks.  What can we say, we are creatures of habit.  

Like last year we met our sweet friends, the Mitchell's (their son Cash is Boston's buddy), in Grapevine to take the boys on the North Pole Express train ride. This year, they were really into the fact that we were on a train.  They would stare out the window and point things out that they saw out the window.

The norm for kids is to wear their pj's on the train ride.  Here's our little santa in training dude ready for the ride.  It helped that we parked near the train.  
Choo-choo train! Wow!
Before we went inside the tent that they have you sit in to watch people sing they had a little area sectioned off where kids could ride tricycles.
Boston and Cash.  Uber cute kids I gotta say.
Under the tent we wait and watch some people sing/perform until they tell us to get in the line to the train.
They have you walk through a "maze" of trees to the train.
One part of the maze consist of fake snow spraying out.  By the look on Boston's face he wasn't sure what to think of it.
All aboard...
I die of looking at this cute face.  We love you, Cash-y poo!
The daddy's.  :)
Ha.  I love how Boston is sitting all chill while Cash tries to take a few pictures for his mommy.
We made it.  We made it to the North Pole.  Too bad I didn't notice that Jer had my camera on flash mode.  Yikes.  The glare of the flash.
Such a fun time with our sweet friends.  I already can't wait until next year.  


  1. very cute! looks like you had a good time.

  2. Ahhhhhhh, this is so awesome and SO cute, and the fact the kiddos wear PJ's is just a zillion times cuter! I'm so jealous!

    I found out that there was a Polar Express train ride (with PJ's, too!) going on and was so excited to go after I heard about it on the news -- but it's an hour and a half away! :(

  3. Precious! That look he is giving to Santa is adorable! :)

    Loving mom's outfit too!

  4. That sounds like so much fun!!

  5. He is absolutely adorable, this looks like it is so much fun!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  6. We're gonna do this next year with Gunner! It looks like so much fun!! xo

  7. This is just too precious!! :) love his face when he's looking at santa. So cute! Love your outfit!!

  8. We had so much fun! Can't wait for next year!!


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