
Pensacola 2012 - Video

To wrap up the whole "Pensacola 2012" series (its what it feels like since we drug it out all-dang-week) we put together a not so short video of the whole week....almost 14 friggin minutes long.  We were there for 7 days, what do you expect?!  :)  Best part for y'all....it started off over 30 minutes long.  Yeah, I cut over 15 minutes of good family fun just so not to bore you more than I already am.  You're welcome.

Oh and there's music, too, so if you happen to be watching it on this Saturday while at work you might want to mute the volume.  

As for the music....well, we chose songs that are Boston's favorite songs right now.  He literally will start dancing (swaying) and saying, "Yayy, yayyy!!!" when these songs come on the radio or we play our CD.  :)  

In case you missed the last three posts you can read about Day 1 & 2 here, Day 3 Boston's Birth Day here and Days 4-7 here.

As for the video.  Here she blows.

1 comment:

Thank you for your comment! I read each and every one of them! :)