
Bits of Us Via iPhone

I'm having to InstaCram a few weeks of instagram photos from weeks past that I've yet to post.  

Here goes nothing:
nuff said :: first time grocery car driving
dinner with best bud, Cash :: play date with Kinley (and Jill, Ian and Lisa)
play date with BFF Meghan :: coffee at 4pm
birthday gift fun
master B and his park time :: went looking for his sunglasses and found them here
the new style, one are out of your nighty :: he said, "dada" and pointed to his mattress
bike riding....serious business
Boston's new favorite cereal :: family night of fro yo
Saturday morning train, car and airplane pancakes :: trying out his headphones
best burger joint in Southlake :: tickles from dada before bed
obsessed with this trucks book, reading while we get ready for church :: my sidekick
favorite new drink :: i might have done a happy dance when receiving this package
Boston doing his chore, sweeping :: having dinner with Koral and her awesome parents

rice crispies in the making :: family reunion with GPaw

Abby and the biker :: silly billy
that was the extent of my Halloween decor :: my stud

new cover for my new obsession (iPad) :: he did this about a thousand times

Houston we have a problem, toys galore :: lettuce for the chicken lettuce wraps I made
sitting on a pumpkin is serious business

dada is HILARIOUS! :: burnt pumpkin seeds #fail
my bag holder :: my big kid swing swinger

it was freezing that day :: new $4 frames you hear all about Tuesday

And THAT'S what you call InstaCraming!  I've been backed up for way too long.  :)


  1. looks like such a fun week! new follower :)

  2. Your little man is adorable!!

    I am a new follower from the GFC blog hop! I can't wait to read more.



Thank you for your comment! I read each and every one of them! :)