
Typical Day of Play Time

Most days we play up stairs in the play/craft room where most of B's toys are.  This was one of those days.  Excuse his pant-less self.  He had just woken up from his nap and I changed him and let him run loose without his pants.  He doesn't care.  He would run around nude all the time if I let him.  ;)
He loves this rake and shovel I got last fall right after summer when it was on sale at the dollar store.  One day, he'll get to use it on the beach somewhere.  Fingers crossed.  
Notice we haven't put his bouncer away?  Well, momma is too sentimental to put pack it up and send it to the attic.  It's just part of who I am, one sentimental big 'ol baby when it comes to all things Boston.  It's an illness.  He hasn't bounced in that thing since he was about 11 months old.....that's almost 6 months ago!  Trust me, I often question my sanity too.  I know Jer has to think I'm a crazy person.  If it were up to him, he would have packed it away a long time ago.  In fact, we still have his bumbo out, too.  Yup, you can say it, "Jen, you are nuts!" 
Oh and he also loves his little mower.  He mows our carpet A LOT.  It actually looks like he's vacuuming because he only uses one hand.
Love this little guy.
And his sweet little legs.
We also have his Thomas The Train up there.  He can sit on it and push the buttons to play the music or sounds.  It's suppose to pop out balls but it's never worked...ever.  Such a bummer.  But his aunt Mandy didn't have the receipt so we never took it back.  Oh well, he loves it anyway.
And sometimes, I'll catch him glancing over at me.  That's when I take full advantage of it and snap a picture of his sweet little face.
These are the times that I'm going to want to remember with pictures.  Him being him....playing and being a boy....

.....and falling off of his toys.  :)
Nope, he didn't get hurt.  He got up and got right back on. 


  1. I love Boston's shaggy hair. My little boy likes to go pantless, too. He just turned three... I don't know when they grow out of it. :)

  2. Ahh, thanks, Holly! :) He often gets confused with being a girl, though. Ha. Even after we cut his hair almost a month ago. Pantless babies with their chubby cute thighs is the best! :)

  3. I love that little mower!!! Most days you can find my little guy in a shirt and diaper too :)

  4. Sometimes I wish I could be like a little kid and just play all. day. long.
    He is PRECIOUS :)

  5. Thanks, girlies!! :)) He loves that mower, too, Katie. Ha. It makes all kinds of noises. Ha.

    Courtney - welcome!!! :) Me too - I would love to be a kid again. Hehe. Aw, and, thank you! We think he's precious too. ;)


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