
Weekend Recap & Miscellany Monday

Linking up here.
Two Friday's ago, we headed out for a play date with Kelli and Riley.  These two are A-dorable!  Seriously.  We went to a local mall that has a train that goes around part of the mall.  It was Boston's first time to ride it and he and Riley both loved it.  We'll definitely be going back.  :)  Then we headed over to ride the big carousel.  These boys are so sweet with one another.  And Kelli is SO sweet and funny!  :)

The boys were hugging.  Too cute.
And ran a few times.  They were a hoot.  
This picture cracks me up.  Ha.  
Their so cool.
We went down a ramp and both Riley and Kelli raised their hands.  Funny.  :)
Boston was so scared of an alligator that would open it's mouth so Kelli took him to look at some stuffed animals, she saved the day.  :)  Meanwhile, I'm taking pictures of Riley. 
Boston's is now eating his banana's all by himself.  Up until recently, I had been cutting them into small pieces.  But now, all I have to do is break off big chunks and he takes it from there!
He takes big bites out of them.  :)
This past weekend, Jer and I headed to Fort Worth early in the morning and ran the Cowtown 5K.  I absolutely loved it.  Granted, neither one of us "trained" for this race.  But I did end up running the whole thing (not stopping once!) at a very slow pace.  Instead of Jer pushing Boston in his jogging stroller like last time, we weren't allowed to have strollers so we did it alone.  But from now on, we'll be making it a "family" event.  

Since we couldn't push B, we called my mom up to come and meet us there so she could watch us while we ran.  It was a little chilly that morning so we bundled him up.  
Our obligatory picture before the race.
As I was running, I noticed this mile marker and decided to take a picture of it (and I guess so did another girl) quickly before I passed it.  

My time ended up being terrible coming in at 36:45 minutes but that just means I need to train for the next one coming up at the end of March.  
My boys following their daddy.  :)
My heart can hardly take it.  I love him so much.  
This is the coolest thing.  We had chips that you looped around your shoe laces and that tracked your time.  The moment you started it started to track your time and when you crossed the finish line, it stops your time which is pretty cool since it had to keep up with 6 thousand people that ran that race with us! Once we got home, we were able to get online and check-out our time.  
Recently, we had another play date but this time with little Londyn and Meghan, her mom.  L is such a delight.  So stinkin' sweet and always smiling.  
Oh and we often dress B up as a girl...JK.  But he would make a pretty darn cute girl if he was one.  My mom came over this weekend and she would let him play with her sunglasses so we decided to make him wear them and snap a picture, too.  Yep, we are those parents.  ;)
This is Boston's new thing.  He loves to go under our bar stools and get stuck.  Then he whines because he can't get out.  It's a 1-2 time a day thing.
Later Saturday evening, we went out with some great friends, Scott and Samantha, for dinner at Hard Eight.  Such a good barbecue restaurant.  And a great time with them.  Scott is a riot.  Hilarious.
It was a busy but great weekend.  Sorry about being all over the place.  I had noticed that there were several things that I hadn't posted about (that I wanted to post before the end of February) so I decided to fit them all in my "Miscellany Monday" randomness.  :)  

Happy Monday!

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