

Linking up here.

1.  I'M LOVING that I had a lunch date with these two girls.  Love them both so much and love that they are such Godly women!  They keep my drama self in check.  :)

2.  I'M LOVING these Pintest finds.
I really really want to do this.  Maybe I'll choose a map of the Cook Islands or of our beloved state of Texas.  Hmmm.....
Double up frames, how easy is that?  Flippin' easy!
3.  I'M LOVING these Pinterest outfits.
This outfit looks so girly/vintage/conservative/comfy.
Coral and Stripes
what's not to love about this color?  i'm so ready for spring/summer.  like, desperately ready.

oh boy, i love me some stripes.  seriously I have an addiction.  here lately I've bought 4 new striped shirts.  uh huh, totally O.O.C. (that's what Jer calls me often...Out Of Control)  :)
4.  I'M LOVING all of the new blogs that I'm following.  I've added a few more.  Be sure to check them out on the right side!

5.  I'M LOVING this purple sparkle nail polish called China Glaze Grape Juice.  Thanks, Mom!
6.  I'M LOVING that Boston loves pickles.  :)
7.  I'M LOVING these these two boys God so gracefully chose for me.
(stinky iPhone photo)

Happy Hump Day!


  1. Love that mirror and I have those same frames pinned myself! Cute stuff!

  2. Love that mirror and I have those same frames pinned myself! Cute stuff!

  3. Great finds! Especially your little one ;)

  4. Smiths - great minds think alike. :) Hehe.

    Jamie - Thank you so much, girlie!!

    Tiffany - you are sweet!! Yeah the little one is definitely my best find. :))

  5. Oh my I speak your language on Pinterest adventures! I have had to limit myself to only browsing after Crewe goes to bed. It was getting out of control!

  6. I love your pins! I love that double frame idea!

  7. your lil family is adorable, so glad you found me! I love your blog! and I love all the things your loving for wed!

  8. All those outfits are so darn cute. I love everything I'm seeing here! Hope you're having a wonderful week :)

  9. Alexis - haha, I know what you mean. I barely get on Pinterest but when I do it's likely to be for hours!

    Sarah - Thanks, girly!!!

    Just the Two of Us - you are so stinkin' sweet! :-) Oh girl, I read your blog every day. I love it.

    Michaela - Thanks so much, blog friend!! :))


Thank you for your comment! I read each and every one of them! :)