
She's Been Strapped

It's been nearly a year since I first purchased my Nikon D3100 and I love it more and more each day.  It does me good.  Real good.

Even though I'm still learning and figuring out all of her bells and whistles, she takes stellar pictures AND has video capability, and that's all that matters to me.  Love her for that.  It's so convenient to be able to switch over to video with a switch of a nob.  She's the perfect camera to learn with, if you were wondering.  :)

Anyway, enough of the bragging....let's talk about her being strapped.  I thought it was time to glamour her up a bit. She was looking a little, let's say, drabby for lack of a better word.  Just wasn't up to par.

So, I went onto my new love....you know, that thing called Pinterest, to search for a new accessory for her.  And found this pin:
Source: modabakeshop.com via Brodie on Pinterest

A strap slipcover!  I had to have it but was determined to make it myself.  I know, such a go get'er, what can I say.  I quickly studied/learned these instructions.  To my surprise, it was easier than I expected.  Picking out fabric was the hardest part for me.  I'm very indecisive.  Very.  As in, I often buy things and then end up taking them back or exchanging them all.the.time.  Jer makes fun of me for it.  It's a sickness.  Anywho, making the strap was easy because even though I'm a beginner sewer (yes, I termed that phrase for me), this beginner sewer can at least sew straight (kinda) lines.  Not to mention, it was so much fun making it that I decided to make one for my photography business partner's camera which I appropriately named, "Big Mama" because she's the real mamajama, in other words, she's one of the top dog's in the Nikon world, also known as the Nikon D90 (wow, major run on sentence, but I have an excuse, it's called...."I have a biology degree not an english degree").  

Okay enough of the words, we wanna see pictures.  Since I had so much fun making them, I completely forgot to take any pictures of the process.  But you can see the process in the above mentioned link called "these instructions."  I only took one picture of the finished product.  So....here she blows.....
Isn't she puuurty!?  She's covered in a mix of green, pink, gray and white.  Delicious.  

Here's a picture of the strap cover for Big Mama.  I couldn't leave her out.....she's the mother-ship.  :)
There you have it.  They've been strapped glamorized!  They went from drab to fab.

Soon, I'll be making a few more (just in case I wanna do a switch-a-roo).


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