
Miscellany Monday

It's thaaat time again!
I'm linking up with Carissa today for my randomness.

1)  Sunday walk with my 3 boys.  Yes, we put Jet in the basket.  Ha.  Poor thing got tired quickly.
2)  I'm excited to be signed up for two 5K runs in the month of February with 2 girlfriends.  :)  I know - Ca-Razy!  But hopefully it'll kick my booty into shape.  

3)  This was part of our dinner conversation on Friday night.  How did I become so blessed?!    

4)  I can't wait until the Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion Part 1 tonight!!!  (yes, I watch all of the housewives.  i got sucked in years ago.  and love it.)  :-)

5)  I'm soooo glad that Jer isn't leaving me for a whole week to Lubbock for a trial thanks to him settling the case.  :)  I'm fine with him traveling and leaving for one night (even though I miss him tons and get scared) but not for a whole week. 

6)  This guy is turning into a monkey!  In 2.1 seconds he jumped onto his chair and climbed right onto the table.  I was shocked.  Fingers crossed he won't be climbing out of his crib anytime soon.

Happy Monday!


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