
Picnic At The Park Play Date

Two Thursday's ago we had our play date with Mer (a sorority sister) & her son Cash (B and Cash are only 2 months apart.  they would have been only 2 weeks apart had I had B on time).  She came up with this wonderful idea of having a picnic at the park since it was going to be in the 70's that day.  I have to say it was a PER-fect day to be outside playing. 

We laid a blanket down and had chicken salad croissant sandwiches with fruit.  I loved that the boys stayed on the blanket (walking around stepping and falling onto both Mer and mine's plates, ha) with us while we all ate.  Mer and I were able to catch up which is always nice.  She has to be one of the sweetest people I know.  Seriously.  Hands down.  

Stuffing their cute little faces.  Isn't Cash just adorable?!  I think so, too.  
Right before we finished eating, Boston decided he was ready to explore the area.  He took off walking to the other side of the park.  He had found car tires and wheels on actual cars, not strollers or toys!!!  From then on, that's ALL he wanted to do was run and play with them the whole time we were there.  He was like a boomerang, the moment I caught him and put him down he was running towards them again (after the tantrum, of course).    
But eventually I was able to shift his attention to the swings for a while.  It was the only way to keep him in one spot and not darting off to run to the cars.  Thank goodness he loves to swing.  
While Boston swung, Cash explored the the play ground.
Mer helped Cash go down the slide.  He's a little dare devil.  :-)
There goes Boston, heading toward the tires and wheels.  Yep, the playground is WAY back there behind him.
It was such a fun day and we can't wait to see them again.  :)

Boston loves wheels and tires so much he could play with them all day if I let him....here's a video I shot of him one morning.


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