
Cook Christmas Card - 2011

I heart sending out Christmas cards!  Seriously, I get a rush just thinking about them.

1. because I love how it documents our family each year,
2. because I put them in a Christmas scrapbook that my mom helps me on, and
3. because I love putting pictures on them showing what we did that year (had a baby, took a trip, got      married, etc)

I start mid-November searching online for the perfect one.  It takes me about a week to find the right one because I'm so indecisive.  This year I went with a different color scheme.  Baby blue, green and pink.  Yep-sounds wacky but trust me they are uber cute.  Almost as cute as baby Boston.

I also went with another company other than Shutterfly (our usual "go to" website for all things paper).  This year we used TinyPrints.com! Their cards are ADORB!  I ended up getting a little booklet in the mail from them and flipped through their pages of cards.  It was love at first sight....that's when I saw THE ONE.  However, I couldn't just get online and order it right then.  I had to do a little more searching just in case.  A week later I still couldn't find one that was a cute as the first one I saw in the booklet.  Since time was closing in on me, I gave in and ordered them.


Still ready?

Here she blows.....
She.is.perfect.  I absolutely love the rounded corners.

The back was the main thing I first fell in love with.  I couldn't resist the polka dots.  (this picture and the next are taken with my iPhone so the colors are a little distorted.)

Our big events this year: Boston turning one and our trip to San Francisco.

Can't wait to pick out next years cards!

By the way, next week (starting Monday) I'll be back talking all things Christmas decor.  Entry decor, dining room decor, mantle decor and Christmas presents.



  1. Cute! I think cards with pictures are the best! :)

  2. Thank you, Kate!!! I agree, love love pictures on Christmas cards. :)


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