
Weekend Review

Boy oh boy whataweekend.  It was jam packed weekend fun filled with friends and family.

Jer got home and he took me out for a date night (he actually told me on Tuesday to not make any plans for Friday night so he could take me out on a date since he knows I'm notorious for making plans for us).  He had made reservations at a fancy restaurant here in Roanoke called The Classic Cafe (doesn't sound like it would be a fancy restaurant, it sounds more like a home-cooking restaurant).  It was delish but too pricey for my budget.  It was definitely a "been there done that" kinda experience.

Before we head out pictures.
 I tried to get a picture of the restaurant sign but my iPhone couldn't handle the bright lights shining on it.
Yes....we are those people.....but luckily we were in a room by ourselves.  And yes....these are yucky iPhone pictures.  Blah.
Next, Jer planned for us to go bowling.  We hadn't been in years and both of us have a good time when we bowl.  But before heading to Main Event, we hit up this place:
They have AWE-some ice cream.  It's so creamy and tasteful.  My favorite is mint chocolate chip on top and birthday cake (with real chunks of cake in it) on top.  Fan-freaking-tastic!

Once we got our sugar induced a coma we headed here:
When we got to the counter to buy our bowling passes the lady told us it would be a 2-2 1/2 hour wait to get a bowling lane.  So we got a beeper that would tell us when a lane was open, walked around for a little bit and decided that even though we felt like teenagers among the other teenagers, we weren't willing to wait that long.  So...we went here:
We hadn't been to a theater in for-evah!  So it sounded like fun.  We knew that my mom was at the house while Boston was sleeping so we took advantage of our time alone together.  Our movie started at 9:50p.  Within 20 minutes of the movie, I was asleep.  Yup - out like a light.  I was so tired.  The kinda tired that when you try to open your eyes they would cross.  Ha.  But woke up with about 15 minutes left of the movie.  Oh, and, we saw the move the Descendants with George Clooney.  From what I saw, it was a good/weird movie.  But don't ask how the rest of it was.  But Jer would know.  :-)

Since my mom stayed the night and was going to spend the day at our house, we decided that would be a perfect time for Jer and I to go Christmas shopping alone so we could get more done without a baby in tow.  So mom stayed home with the B-Man.  We were gone for a good 5 hours and it was so nice to be able to hop in and out of the car without having to put a baby in and out of his car seat and stroller.  I am officially done with Christmas shopping except for stocking stuffers which are easy peasy.  By the time we got home, mom left to a family party and Jer and I went to Schlotzsky's for dinner then to the grocery store.
We got up watched church on the laptop through our church's live webcast.  Once it was over we headed out to meet my cousins, aunt, mom and grandma at a little Mexican restaurant called Dos Molina's in Fort Worth.  Best mexican breakfast, ev-ah!!!  Seriously, I have the most awesome cousins. Each of them are so stinkin' sweet and fun!
Then we went to a local flea market that my grandma wanted to go to where we found this fun little man and woman.  Uh huh, we are adults AND we are parents.  And we claim to be mature adults :)
After, we came home to change and put Boston in his pj's and headed over to Grapevine to the North Pole Express train ride.  This is a tradition our little family will be doing each year.  I heart heart heart traditions....especially traditions during Christmas time.

For our first year, we went with the Mitchell's!  oh M Gee (yes I just spelt it that way) they are THE sweetest people!  We love them so much.  Mer is a sorority sister and I'm so lucky to have her as a sista-fo-life.  :)  Fingers crossed that they agree to go with us every year as "our little tradition."
We were heading through the maze of lights/trees and "snow" (really soap suds) to get on the train.
The Mitchell's.  Aren't they just adorable.  Their son, Cash, is only 2 months younger than B-man.  We hope to have them grow up together since they are already Best Buds.  They told us they were.  We totally didn't make them become best buds.....it was totally their choice.  Yep.
 On the train.  We got to face our seats toward each other.  It was a little cramped, but cozy.  :)
 Love little Cash's face!  Ha.
 They handed out bells to all the children and the boys loved them.
 They even wanted to snatch them out of each others hands.  That's what Best Buds do I guess.
People were ice skating on fake ice.  I had never seen such a thing.
 Fireside Pies for dinner.  The boys and their pizza faces.  :-)
We ended the night with these guys.  Jer put his hat on him and he never took it off till we headed up stairs to take him to bed.  He must secretly be a little cowboy at heart.....I mean we ARE from Texas.  ;)
Whew, what a weekend.  Busy but great fun.

P.S. If you are a Facebook friend, there will be tons more pictures on my page.  :)



  1. We had such an amazing time!! Thanks for including us in your Christmas tradition. I love starting family traditions!!

  2. This was a very sweet post!!! LOVE all the pics!! I'm with you, I LOVE family traditions! Ours (My husband, adult kids and grandkids) is to do a dance around the Christmas tree Christmas morning before opening anything. And once everything is opened... we tear and wad up the wrapping paper and have a paper fight. :) My hubby is pretty darned cool!

  3. We had an awesome time too, Mer!!! Until next year. :)

    Thank you so much for your comment, Dawnee!!! You are so sweet! I love your tradition with your family. Too cute! Yep - you have a pretty cool hubby. :-)


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