
Santa and Weekend

And a little photography.

Wait..... a lot of photography!

My nephew, Noah, had spent the night on Thursday.  So, Friday, we headed took him and Boston to Northpark Mall in Dallas around 1pm to get in line for pictures with Santa.

We had breakfast and baths.  Noah and Pauly-D.  :)
Noah's mommy met us there. Last year, we took the boys and Noah freaked while Boston (2 months old) just sat in Noah's lap contently.  Well..... notthisyear!  NOAH and BOSTON freaked.  I was secretly hoping that I would have that calm, easy, santa loving child.  Nope.  This is what happened.

So, needless to say our pictures were a little sad/funny.  The faces on their pictures were too cute.  Yes, I thought our crying/scared-looking boys with Santa was funny.  I know - mom of the year award.  ;)

Here's cousin Noah and Boston
Boston still crying.  Poor guy.

Once we left the mall we headed straight to meet my parents at our church to watch the annual Christmas musical.
Boston got a little antsy after a while, but he sat through about 50 minutes of it.  Then we called it quits.  And got a family picture of us in front of the huge tree inside our church.
My parents with Boston.
Then we headed to eat.  We were all starving.  We ate at Mi Chula's in Southlake.  Yummo!  It was pretty crowded.  My sweet sweet dad held Boston the whole time we stood in line.  Thanks, G-paw!
Boston tried his first tortilla chip.  He wasn't sure exactly what to do with it.  :)
After we got home my mom and I made some butterscotch haystacks.  They are Jer's favorite sweet treat during Christmas time.  Not sure why I don't make them throughout the year.  He absolutely loves them.  Maybe I'll surprise him throughout the year.  Just maybe.  ;)

Yes, they are on my car cooling off.  It was chilly outside and they cooled quickly in the garage.  Don't worry, they taste the same - yummy.

Photography, photography and more photography!  It was a fun filled photo day.  

Another photo shoot!  Then dinner with a great friend.  

Why do weekends fly by?  I seriously think we should have 5 day weekends and 2 day work weeks.  I'd vote for that.  

Happy Tuesday!

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