
His Giggles are Adorable

We love to hear his giggles and we thought we'd share them.  I was going through all of the videos we have taken over the last 6 months and we wanted to share 2 of them.  :-)  Boston is soooo ticklish and here lately he has started to laugh at everything!  His giggles are becoming more human-like, too.  Over the past month his laugh has gotten so cute!

his daddy knows how to get him to laugh (from March)

He has the Giggles from Jennifer Cook on Vimeo.

Excuse the Crown-less Walls in the background.  That's on our "To-Do List." :)

Laughing Boston from Jennifer Cook on Vimeo.

P.S. - This is our 111th post!  Wow.  :-)

Happy GOOD Friday!!!

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