
our sweet Boston's first cold

Our poor little guy got his first cold and it stinks!  After waiting more than 6 months, we had finally made the decision to put him in our church nursery on Sunday.  We feared him being around other kids and getting sick.  Well, our fear came true.  :(  Tuesday morning he woke up stuffy, sneezing and coughing.  I immediately knew he was sick.  After freaking out, I gave him Pediacare, saline drops and suctioned his nose the rest of the day and yesterday.  I checked his temperature about every hour to be sure he wasn't getting worse.  To top it off, he's teething!  His top front two teeth are coming in and should be popping out just in time for Easter.  :)  We took him to the doctor this morning and they determined he had a cold.  Luckily, today he seems to be getting better.  The nurse told us that it's better for him to get sick now rather than later (1-2 years old) so that it builds his immunity.  However, despite being extra sleepy he's still been our same ol' sweet little guy.  He still laughs at Jet's every move, he giggles when Jer "fake" coughs and when we tickle him.  Well, I'm off to play nurse to my sweet baby...


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