
GOOD Friday!

We had a g-r-e-a-t Good Friday.  I went to my hair appointment, Jer watched B, we rested together and then went on a shopping excursion.  One of the stores we went to was Babies R' Us and one of the things we got while we were there was this...

...a carrier for Jer to carry B in!  I'd been wanting to get one for Jer, especially for our trip to San Fran in July.  It'll be a great way for him to carry B while we do our tourist thing.  Where's our baby B???  Oh yeah, he was snoozin'.  :-)

After running into a few other stores, we finished our evening off at Cowboy Chow in Roanoke for dinner.  We like supporting our local restaurants.  Not to mention, its 5 miles from our house! 

Daddy and.......B's hands.  Where's his cute little face???
THERE it is! Yucky, he's touching that table.  Wait...I'm that mom that cleans the table with disinfectant wipes, organic wipes, of course.  We can't be getting him sick again.  :)
THERE'S that smile!  He smiled all night at the people sitting at the table next to us.  He was totally an attention hog and probably ruined their dinner.  (sorry, people sitting next to us!)
He loves touching faces.  He gouged my lips and gums with his nails.  I have to cut them all-the-time.  They grow like weeds!

Happy Saturday!!

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