You all know that I like to make things on the cheap. And when I find something that is worth a lot of money ($38) that I can make myself, I'm all in. It's fun trying to recreate something for a fraction of the designer's cost. When I saw these Nununu leggings I loved them but my Jer's pocket book was telling me.....not so much, lady. So I set out to make my own. My knock-off Nununu Star Leggings. I mean, really, stars couldn't be that hard, right. Right.
And it wasn't. It took me all of about 20 minutes (minus the waiting dry time). Bada-bing bada-boom.....Bossy had him some brand new stylish leggings. :)
Step 1:: making my start template - I googled a star template, found one, printed it and cut it out. Then I traced it onto a piece of foam. I did this twice so that I could lay both stars on top of each other and hot glued them together so it would be thicker (stand up taller from the wood). Then I had Jer cut a scrap piece of 2x4 for me and hot glued the stars to the wood. Just like that I had a homemade star stamp to use forever.
Step 2:: getting my leggings - These leggings were $3.88 from WalMart in the girls section. Gray = unisex.
Step 3:: start stamping - I wanted them to be no-so-uniformed-looking so I just eyeballed where I wanted them and stamped away. I used a black foam brush and painted on my black acrylic paint (also from WalMart. I didn't use fabric medium but you can. When I wash them a little bit of paint might come off but I'm okay with that. I like the worn look, too) each time I wanted to stamp. It was less messy that way. But you could also dab your stamp into your paint just make sure not to get any paint on the wood or it'll transfer onto your clothing. Once the front was done, I waited until it was completely dry, flipped them over and stamped the back side. That was it. Done. I had my knock-off Nununu leggins for $6 (including leggings, paint and foam brush).
Then it was time to put them on the B-man. I instantly loved them. Love at first sight kinda love. He'll be sporting these a lot. Be prepared to be seeing stars. That's your warning.
I loved the way they fit on his chunky little legs.

Baby butts. Aren't they the cutest things ever? I told him, "Turn around, momma wants to see your hiney." And he did. Ha.

What do you think? Would you make some for your little tot, too? Jer thought they were a little girly but then I saw tons of boys wearing them and thought, "I like those!" These could work with a cute top and shoes or even as part of their pj's for bed time. Love their versatility.
P.S. I have 3 more clothing projects sitting in draft to show you! :)
Adorable!! I am going to make those for Peyton now! What star template did you use? What type of paint?
Why are you so talented and crafty?! I'm only slightly jealous.
These are so cute! Pinning them & will be making them soon!
1. I love how crafty you are 2. I love that you play around with boston's style. I myself have been contemplating the boys in leggings look, but hey I figure they make jammies that way so why not. love them.
You make it look so easy! I know my girls would love something like this. Not sure about my boy, but he is pretty picky about his clothes. They turned out so cute!
giirrllll why are you so freaking awesome????? I love it!! Carter has a pair of leggings--I'm all over them for boys!
Amazing idea! I'm making these for my little guy,I' m going to try the alphabet design as well.Gotta love nununu hut not at $38 a pair!
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