
Snow In The Lone Star State

It snowed in TEXAS!!  We were stoked.  About once every two years we get about 2-3 inches of snow and it's fairytale-ish.  Us southerners love snow.  Everything shuts down, schools, businesses, the government....everything.  It's like an apocalypse just happened.  People freak but in a good way.  

So naturally we took full advantage of our 2 days of snow.  It started falling Christmas day and evening then stopped.  Since we were busy all day Christmas day we weren't able to get out and play in it.  So I kept my fingers and toes crossed that the snow would still be there the next morning and luckily our front and back yard the next morning was still full of snow.

We had fun and took way too many photos.  

I had gotten this jacket for Boston back in early fall hoping that we'd get to use it for an occasion like this but I wasn't holding my breathe.  It fit perfectly and kept him warm even though it wasn't really all that cold outside.  
He loved e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g about this "sow."  Especially throwing it at dada.  Boys.
Baby gloves.  I die.

Daddy showed him how to make the snow balls roll down the driveway.  So we did that for a good 10 minutes.  over and over and over.  
Oh and we couldn't not throw balls onto the roof to see if they would come rolling back down.  Fail.  

After we exhausted the front hard we headed to the back to let Jet and Boston run how ever long they wanted.
My favorite part was seeing Boston in his tiny hand gloves.  All the boys loved the snow....even Jet.  He frolicked/ran all over the front and back yard.  

Boston talked about it for days.  

The last time we got snow was back in February 2011.  Boston was barely 4 months old.
See ya in about two years, snow....you were awesome while you lasted.....


  1. where in Texas are you from? I'm up in the Panhandle and we've gotten a little bit this year too! woot woot! cute pics and lovely doggie!

  2. These are great photos! Looks like you guys had a fun time in the snow.

  3. adorable blog! following you back!


  4. Your family is absolutely adorable! So glad I found your blog during the Hop

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