
The Little Things

Sometimes its fun just to document some of the little things (something that I think I'll try to do more often).  The little things that I will want to remember 5, 10, 15 years from now.  Take a look back at what we did that week/weekend during that month and year.  See what we looked like or what our child/children were into at the time.....

It's no surprise that I'm a very emotional mommy.

I cherish every-single-thing-we-do and love looking back at the memories we've made.  I often look at pictures of Jer and I back in college or when we were first married and it instantly brings back memories that I forgot.  Or I look back at when Boston wasn't even a year old and remember how awesome he was and still is.  This is my idea of a good time even though it often ends up with a tears and a longing to go back to those days for just a week or two.  Life is moving way too fast.

These are a tiny bit of our little things.....lately.

If you follow us on Instagram you may have already seen half of these.  @jenanncook

Do you too often look back at old photos and get emotional?  Do you too forget the little things from years or even weeks ago and wonder what your baby sounded like or what y'all did on a certain day?

I'd be forever grateful if you could vote for me here, again!  

1 comment:

  1. I get emotional looking back at older photos. Our babies grow up way too fast!


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