
Our Day Out With Thomas

Almost 2 months ago (yeah, totally behind on this post but I needed it for the records), Grapevine had a Thomas The Train festival.  At that point, Boston didn't know who Thomas was.  So, since Thomas was in town, we decided to introduce him.  :)  We had a blast walking around, watching a magic show, souvenir shopping and riding some ponies.  

Another great family day for the books.

have I mentioned before that I love seeing Jer carry his diaper bag around?  well, i do.  a lot.  he always has it neatly packed with all of B's essentials.  love this man.
And.....THIS is when the fascination with trains began.

Linking up with:
Little Moments Like This
Covered In Grace


  1. aww so much fun! our youngest loves all things trains and thomas. so we've been to several thomas and friends festival and we've actually been to that one a couple years back. the train ride isn't much but hey kids totally soak. it. up! :) glad you guys had fun. he is such a doll!!!

  2. I heard about this from a friend of mine. Thomas came to the Austin area not long ago and she said her little boy LOVED it! I have two girls and they are into Princesses so we skipped out. It looks like you guys had a blast!

  3. Aaw, those ponies are sooo cute! And Thomas the tank engine was one of my favourite tv shows growing up. This looks like such a fun day :)

  4. So fun!! We considered taking my son this year (to the one in Grapevine :) but he was only 14 months so we figured he would be a little too young to enjoy it. What a cute idea though. Looks like you all had a great time!

  5. That looks like so much fun!

  6. Aw I don't know if he is happy or scared to be on the horse haha. But he is cute!

  7. Hello from your newest follower! Found you from the GFC Blog Hop. =) Your little one is such a cutie. Hope you'll come by and check out my blog as well. www.roguebaby.blogspot.com


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