
cook happenings

 these moments are priceless.  i'll treasure a photo like this forever.  there's nothing like a sleeping baby on its daddy.
 love love love this ice cream flavor.  holy moly.  and yes - i ate all myself.
 train ride with Riley, B's bud!  we love our Riley and Kelli (his momma).
 cool guys
 best friend swim time.  

 this guy loves bugs.  but poor bugs don't get handled very gently.
 daddy getting our hot tub cleaned out so we can have some evening soaks....without the "hot" part to the tub.  it'll be nice to get in the hot tub, tiki torches lite and vino in my hand with my boytoy after a long day.  can-not-wait.

 me and my boo
while daddy cleaned the hot tub, B rode his car and got sweaty.  all boy.
hot and sweaty
Sunday daddy treated us for some afternoon sushi.  i literally could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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  1. LOVE the banana pudding flavor! my hubs isn't a big ice cream/dessert fan and he loves that flavor too!! how can anyone resist?! i will always love a sleeping pic and even better when they sleep on daddy-o! looks like you guys had some serious outdoor fun this weekend! happy monday!

  2. Banana pudding icecream?! I must have this flavor.

    And how cute is Boston swimming in the pool!!

    Happy Monday!

  3. Great pics. Banana pudding ice cream sounds good. One of my favorite ice cream brands here in Costa Rica (Monteverde) makes a banana nut flavor that they only sell in-store (a zillion minutes away) but it's great. Also a big fan of daddy pool time. We'll be visiting stateside in July and I can't wait to get my baby into a swimming pool!

  4. SO FUN!!! Sushi & banana pudding ice cream? What can get better than that? BTW, have you EVER had the banana pudding milk shake from Chick-Fil-A? OMG! TO DIE FOR!!!! PS: I checked out your wedding post! We got married July 1, 2006 in a Catholic Church as well!!!!!!!! My home church growing up! SO FUN!!!

  5. looks like your weekend was so fun! little man is beyond adorable! and i have to find that banana ice cream! happy monday xo

  6. Where did you get that Lightening McQueen car? My son would love that! Of course, he might be a little big for it but that wouldn't stop him from loving it!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  7. I love love love Blue Bell ice cream! It tastes homemade! Such cute pictures of your boys! Thanks for linking up :)

  8. Love all the pool pics! So much fun! I have a little boy that's all boy too! It can be crazy sometimes but lots of fun!

  9. Found you from the link up! That sushi looks SO GOOD! What is the one on the left? Looks like some type of fried goodness... like you I could eat sushi for every meal!


  10. My nephews have that McQueen car and love it! Boys and cars :) hehe

  11. your little family is so cute! & any weekend involving the pool is a good one to me!


  12. You're little boy is TOO adorable!! Such sweet pictures.

    I have to say, I'm a SoCal girl so my team is the Angeles (who is obv a rival of your Rangers) so when I saw your husbands shirt I may have frowned...but not gonna lie I love me some Kinsler and it looks like that's the shirt he's wearing lol. Don't tell any of my friends and family that I have a crush on a Rangers player ;) Hehe!

    Thanks for much for linking up with us :)

  13. Mrs. Cook--Love all the photos :) You really do have the cutest little family!

    I nominated you for a bloggy award--You should stop by and check out my post!


  14. I'm so jealous! We can't even buy Blue Bell where I live!!!


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