
It's Wednesday

Again!  Geez, these weeks are zooming by.  It's Wednesday again and I'm back with more things that I'm loving.

I'm SOOOO loving this body spray.  It's delish/devine/delightful and any other "d" word you wanna add.  Trust me, it smells flippin' fantastic.  Definitely a great scent for the summer.  If you try it, you gotta tell me what you think.  Its called Kai body glow.
I'm loving this watch.  I want it for summer.  White and summer = lovely.  Best part is its only $150 on Overstock.com and if you get their emails, they often send out 10% off of watches.  By often I mean a lot!  So hubby if you're reading this.....my birthday and our anniversary is coming up.  If you wanna make this Latin girl happy and make you happy :) this would be the perfect gift.  
I'm loving all things Wedges.  Being barely 5'0 feet tall, momma needs all the height she can get.  I mean, compared to Jer's 6 foot stature, I look like an umpaloompa if I don't have some kind of heel on.  Plus, wedges are so comfy.  
I'm loving this little personalized placemat that I got B recently.  An alphabet placemat was perfect for practicing his alphabet while we eat (my favorite part was that it has lower case letters).  This leaves more time for us to play.  You know, because a toddler can only handle so much "school" time during the day.  :)
I'm loving that I stopped by the Gap on Sunday and go a boat load of things for Boston, and a little (very little) for me and Jer.  They were having and awesome sale WITH 25% off of their sale items (I was bummed to find out that the day before, Saturday, was 40% instead of 25).  Oh well, you win some, you loose some.

I'm loving backyards lately.  Now that its summer, I'm drawn to photos of back yards.  When we are in HD or Lowe's I immediately head towards the nursery to see if they have any pretty plants (that aren't in their last stages of life) that I can pick up and plant in my back yard.  To this date, there's been no decent plants I can find.  I don't want the hot pink or the red that they tend to have.  I want something pretty like Hydrangeas.  My goal: grow my own hydrangea plants.  They seriously are the prettiest flowers evah!
I'm loving that I've finally narrowed my choices down to 2 paint colors!  Can I get an Amen?!  Choosing paint is torture for me.  I'm constantly wanting to paint rooms but can never ever never ever choose a paint color without getting like 10 thousand samples.  3 summers ago, I got over 30 different paint samples from Sherwin Williams at $5 a pop!  Seriously.  Another true story.  It was bad!  I could have bought 10 gallons with that money.... I know, I know!  So this time around I was warned by the hubs, not to get any samples.  And to choose from the ones that we already have.
I'm loving that my husband JUST asked me if I was putting together my post for "What I Love About Wednesday?"  HAHAHA.  That's why he's what Guiliana Rancic would call - Amazeballs.  Love that guy.

Happy Hump Day!

Linking up with:
The Vintage Apple
Jenni From The Blog
The Paper Mama
And Then She Snapped
Project Alicia
Sarah Halstead


  1. Love the post! :) It really is amazeballs! :) Have a great day!

  2. happy hump day!
    I adore wedges, but for some reason I can't stand up in them! I swear I trip every time I wear wedges. I must not have very good balance. sooo, I stick with flats for the most part. they are safer.

  3. Wedges are so much easier to walk in than those other heels out there.

    Have a great WW!

  4. Love that watch! And Boston's placemat is so cute! I'm also loving wedges!

  5. I am totally trying that body spray!! Thats so cute what your hubby said - my husband makes little jokes about my blog - but at least he talks about it! :) HAHA!

  6. I love that Michael Kors watch too!!
    And I pick my paint colors just like my nail polish colors - by their name. If I hate their name, I'm fairly certain that I'll hate the color too!! Who wants to tell someone that their wall color is Muddy Green? Not this girl!

    Happy Wednesday!!

    xoxo Amber

  7. I've wanted a watch like that for sooo long but NOW i'm getting hooked on the rose gold version. Oh if money were no object!!!!

  8. omg love those pins girl :) cute blog too!

  9. What a great update!! I do the same when picking out colors too.


  10. The watch and wedges are so cute! Love that you were able to narrow down your choices of the paint :)

  11. That looks like our bedroom wall right now. I just can't decide either! Happy Wednesday!

  12. I love that place mat! You could get a dry erase marker and let him practice his letters. I would love to find one like this for my son. He loves his place mats.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds


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