
Us Via iPhone and A Video

arrived for our 3 day hotel stay.
headed to breakfast
this is his new "thing" he does with his hands.  ha.  it makes Jer and I giggle.  to each is own, I guess.  
he slept great in the hotel crib.
daddy trying to work.
on our 5 hour drive home, before it got really dark, we stopped to let the B-man stretch his legs and walk around.  this Sonic had a pretty cool play area including a huge bounce house.  
amazes me how his little brain works.  he was trying to put my keys in the coin slot of this fire truck ride.
first time eating a whole pizza (all of it, even crust) all by himself.
hmm....wonder if he thinks I'm a crazy driver.
hot tub in the summer (without the "hot") will be AWE-some!  we look forward to getting in a cool tub after a long hot day, lighting the tiki torches, drinking a glass of wine/beer and relaxing alone or with friends in our backyard.  oy!
pinch me now.  these are my boys?  blessed.  
Happy Friday!  

Linking up with: 
The video below is pretty typical of when I go and get B after he wakes up from his nap.  
Boston after nap 5.28.12 from Jennifer Cook on Vimeo.


  1. What a beautiful family you have! I just found your blog and I love it - there are so many talented ladies out there!

  2. I just nominated you for the Sunshine award on my blog! Head over to http://www.garagesalesrus.blogspot.com/ to see it! Hope you have a great day!


  3. What a cutie! Love his walk with the arms/hands behind him; made me giggle too! That tie shirt is fabulous also! Loved your DIY post on Chasing Sunshine! Very cool!


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