
Advertise With Us For Free?

Thank you for considering a sponsorship with our little ol' blog.  Our family blog started off as just that...."our family blog."  

We started writing our blog back when Boston was still a little bambino cooking in my uterus.  The pregnancy of our first baby was a huge deal, so we wanted to document every-single-little-detail.  We started writing posts in March of 2010 (6 weeks pregnant) but didn't share our site with our family or close friends until Boston was born in early October of 2010.  

Fast forward to February 2012.....this was our first month to actually get-our-blog-out-there by sponsoring another blog.  Since then, we've seen a huge jump in readership which amazes us that people are actually interested in us!  Since we have only sponsored one blog per month, the readership has steadily (at a slow pace) grown.  

But, we've decided it's time, time to sponsor more/several blogs per month.  This means, all of our sponsors will receive more exposure.  It's a win for all.   
We are excited to make friends with you and help your blog or shop!!!


  1. I'd love to swap! Tweeting this too :)

  2. I'd like to swap but it's telling me I need to add a banner (pic.) but I can't seem to figure out how to do it...

  3. I love your blog! Thanks for following!!! And I'd love to button swap. Let me know the deets :)


Thank you for your comment! I read each and every one of them! :)