Who wouldn't pass that up? Not these Cooks.
We left early Wednesday morning to the airport to catch our 10:30am flight. Since Boston has travelled quite a bit in his short life he was pretty much a pro when it comes to airports, security lines and airplane rides.
Plus, it doesn't hurt that we make sure to take all of his favorite movies for the plane ride. These days its The Land Before Time and Ice Age. We stuff some earbuds into his ears so his movies don't disturb other passengers.
While I indulged in my trashy magazines....the hubby worked on some crossword puzzle action. Such a brainiac.
He insisted on pulling his own suitcase. So he did. And perfectly. I can't believe he's already big enough to carry his own backpack and pulling his own suitcase through the airport. Sigh.
In the taxi, it's always really weird having him sit in regular seat and not in a car seat. Freaks us out. But he loves it. Obviously.
As soon as we got to the hotel it was almost 3pm and we were starving. So we hit up the pools restaurant and got a bite to eat before daddy had to leave us to go register and the opening seminar. It was bea-utiful out there. Absolute perfect weather and scenery. I'll cherish that moment forever. Sitting out there with my little family enjoying it all.
The many faces of the Bos-man.

He took this one picture and then said, "Enough pictures, mama!" HAHA.
The obligatory shot of our view from our room.
As soon as daddy left for the seminar we loaded up our beach bag with some essentials and headed down to the pool for a little swimming before sunset.
It was a pretty perfect day and we still had 3 more days. Short trip but we were determined to make the most of it. Basically on the agenda: beach and pool and more beach and pool. :)
Love this sweet girl! I love following you on IG but I so love reading your sweet blog where I first "met" you.
Yay, Boca! It's always fun to read about people coming to visit my hometown! :)
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