
Safari Egg Coloring

Easter.  Good ol' Easter is a fun holiday for the Cooks.  Its especially fun now that we have a little bambino.  This little bambino colored Easter eggs for the first time ever this year.  Just so you know, this will be post 1 of 2 of Easter.  :)

So of course it had to be documented fully.  Shocker.  

Onto our safari themed egg coloring.  

Oh and isn't it a must to color eggs in undies?  But of course.  And nooo, he's not potty trained or even attempting to be potty trained.  Yet.

He wasn't too sure what we were doing.  But soon enough he got the hang of it and acted like a pro-coloring-egg-bambino.
This guy is growing up way too fast and becoming way to independent way too fast.  That's a lot of ways in there.  But it's true.
He had to do it all.  With some of mommy's help since I was on camera duty and also not wanting purple dye on my tile.  
While we waited for the eggs to get darker....he started yelling out each color.  Puuurrpllle!!
He did good.  He did good!  
Once we colored our eggs he started creating his little safari egg animals.  This was the coolest little kit that I got from....where else?  Target or Tarjay.  #targetdoesitagain
Some look adorable and some could pass as some sort of alien.

There he is.  The man of the hour.  The child I can't get enough of.  The egg-coloring-safari-animal-maker of 2013.

P.S Today we are celebrating Boston turning 2.5 as a family!!  Can't wait to share what we did.  This is what we did last year for turning 1.5.  Happy 2.5 years old, Bos-man!!


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