
You Should Know

1) I eat with my left hand but do everything else with my right hand.  Weird, I know.  

2) I'm fully addicted to ice cream.  Mostly Marble Slab.  It's the best ice cream around, hands down.  Nothing compares.  Nothing.  I am always craving their strawberry shortcake.  Shortbread, strawberry sauce, fresh strawberries with coconut ice cream topped with whipped cream and a cherry on top.  DE-licious and A-ddicting.  You should try it.  And well, if you don't have a marble slab creamery around you, sorry.  So sorry.

3) I wanted to have 4 children when I grew up.  Now that I'm grown up, not so much.  I'm getting too old to spit out 4 children. :)

4) Jeremy and I don't go to bed without each other (unless he's traveling, obvi).  It's a pact we made long long ago....oh about 12 years ago.  If one of us is tired then we both go to bed.  Me going to bed and him in the living room watching tv would be way foreign to us and a no-no.  We both agree and love the idea of always getting in bed together at the same time.  Most times, we watch a show in bed together and then I fall asleep while he continues watching tv.

5) We are finally done with cloth diapers.  I'd have to say that we were kinda done when Boston turned 2 even though we have used them every so often since then.  But this month, we are officially done.  I'll be packing them away and putting them in the attic next month when I pack up his 2 year clothing since he's in size 3.  It was fun while it lasted and saved us some pretty pennies but hopefully we won't be in disposables much longer.

6) I love that we read Boston's baby bible to him every night and he can easily identify David, Goliath, Daniel and the lions, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Noah and his arc.  It's amazing what his little brain absorbs and learns.

7) I'm barely 5 feet tall and I kinda love it.....most of the time.  Except when I'm in dressing rooms trying on jeans and they are always way too long, or when I gain a single pound and you can tell because it shows easily.  Those are the times I wish I had just a few inches in height, not much but just a few.

8) Everyday we listen to music here at home (throughout the day we have it playing in the background) and we jam out to our "Jesus music" as Boston likes to call it.  Gateway's Forever Yours CD is ah-mazing!  Seriously, it's awesome.

9) I've spend my hours lately sewing, sewing, sewing!  And loving every minute.

10) And.....because a post can't be a "post" without at least one picture!
a day at the park with my little lover boy


  1. I am the opposite, I am usually too tall for most pants.

    I think the fact you and hubby go to bed together is cute!

  2. Ah, this is so sweet for so many reasons. I love that you don't go to bed without each other. We do the same when I'm not working (usually I have to stay up until 1-2am to get things done when I have deadlines. This = torture).

    You also made me feel better on giving up on cloth diapers. We were good with them for about 18 months, but one day I washed them and just left them in the basement on the drying rack and haven't touched 'em since. Woops! I don't feel the need since we're working on potty training! haha I tell myself I'll be more motivated to be consistent with the potty training if I know we're wasting disposables! ; )

    Also, Carter is obsessed with pointing out Jesus and John in his first Bible. Cutest thing ever. Tom taught it to him one day and they showed me as a surprise. It was too cute!!

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