
Simple But Good Ol' Family Time

Sometimes our little family likes to do something out of the norm.  Like have some fun at a local mall.  Totally not a favorite of my boys, typically.  But this certain mall has a huge carousel and a mini train that runs through it.

So we said, what the heck, why not take him there and let him ride the carousel and then have dinner.  So we did.  

But first, we took his 28 month (in February) photos.  Here are some of the outtakes of our little cheese-ball son during his little photo session.  He is a hoot.  Seriously.  

Since we were down by the pond, the boys did some rock throwing.  While me, I, of course, did some picture taking.
Really.....this kid cracks us up!!
Oh and we couldn't leave with out the boys swinging.  He loves to go really high.  And he loves to scare the bajeebers out of momma.

Finally we made it to the mall.
No....this is not the huge carousel I was talking about.  :)
THIS is the one.  And since he loves horses, he loved getting to ride on one!
And so did momma. :)
All that riding built up an appetite so we hit up Chili's just a few short steps away.
Oh and since we are known to eat too much ice cream, we couldn't not stop for some on our way home.
A simple yet fun night as a family.  

Those are the kinda nights that I never want to forget.  I want to look back at it in 10 years and instantly remember exactly how much fun we had and what we did.  And say to Jer, "Remember when...."

Because without these pictures....chances are, I would forget these little moments when Boston was 2.



  1. Your little man is a stud i tell ya!
    I'm in LOVE with his cute outfit.
    & yals mall looks amazing.
    I'm jealous!

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