

Wednesday's are always so much fun.  I love getting share certain snippets of the pictures I've captured, our life and things I love.  Linking up here.

1)  I'M LOVING this little guy.  He melts my heart every minute of every day.  God is good.
2)  I'M LOVING that I'm down 10.8lbs since the second week of January.  It's a slow weight loss (too slow for this momma) but I hear it's better that way.

3)  I'M LOVING that we had a play date Monday with two great girl friends and their oh so sweet babies.
4)  I'M LOVING that we get to have another play date with a sorority sister of mine and her son, Cash....aka Boston' Best Bud.

5)  I'M LOVING that Boston still loves balloons and we get one every time we go to the grocery store.
6)  I'M LOVING that our grocer store is finally selling Organic gallon milk jugs!  No more half gallons.  Hallelujah!  
 7)  I'M LOVING that I get to go on walks everyday with this little guy.  This is his second favorite thing to do.
 8)  I'M LOVING these Pinterest pins.
9)  I'M LOVING this husband that is perfect for me!


  1. Great posts - thanks for sharing your daily life!

    Take care

  2. Congratulations on the weight loss! I've been trying too, but haven't really stuck to it too well. :-( You're boy is a cutie! Found you through Michaela's blog.

  3. White Life - thank you so much!! Come back anytime!! :) What's your blog address?!

    Hi, Kim!! Thanks a ton! Loosing weight is HARD WORK unfortunately! Ha. Good luck to you! :) Aw, thanks so much. Thanks for finding me! :)


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