
In Desperate Need of Organization

Oh boy, organization is definitely not my forte.  I want it to be badly.....but I just wasn't born with that gene.  It's very unfortunate.

So that's when I turn to Pinterest.  There are TONS and TONS of organization ideas which makes momma happy.  Very happy.  Like cupcakes make my love handles happy kinda way.  Anyway, you get the point.

Because I'm in denial way too embarrassed to take pictures of the rooms and cabinets (maybe one day I will share them) where I need some major organization I'll just tell you which ones that need it.  They include: the playroom/craft room (I have way too much fabric, ribbon, scrapbook paper, markers and thread, just to name a few), closet under our stairs (this is where we throw every.single.thing.that.doesn't.have.a.home.  it's seriously the worst spot in our home.  i wouldn't dare anyone to open that door.  you could get lost), front entry coat closet (this houses all of our boxes to every piece of electronics that we own, even our blackberry cell phone boxes that we don't even use anymore since we've switched to iPhones), study (this room is like a filing room nightmare), cabinets under kitchen sink (we have all of our cleaning supplies and chemicals thrown in there.  there's no method to the madness), cabinets under stove (this is probably the most agitating.  especially when I'm trying to pull out a pot or pan or cupcake pan), pantry and cabinets under master bathroom sinks.  Yep, I have my work cut out.  About a years worth of work.  Yuck.

Problem is, I have no idea where to start!  I look at these photos on Pinterest and it kinda overwhelms me.  But I'm determined to conquer this illness.  I know Jer probably thinks I'm some kind of hoarder because I seriously can't get rid of anything.  It's a sickness.  But each one of these photos is my inspiration.  I plan on taking bits and pieces of each of them and using them where I need some organization.

So cross your fingers that I start on at least one of these rooms/spots very soon!  And when I do, I'll be taking you along in the process with me.
Aren't these pictures awesome?!  Some of these people are geniuses I tell ya!

Maybe I'll have just inspired YOU too!  :)


  1. I love organization so these pics are right up my alley! Love that your son is named Boston, so cool I've never heard that!

  2. Oh man, I need help too! All the closets in my house haunt me. I'm excited to see what you do! I need some motivation :)

  3. I would love to have a closet just for craft supplies! Fab ideas :)

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  5. Emily Kate - first, your name is so cute! :) I don't love organization, ha. I wish my closets would organize themselves. :) Aw, thanks! We get many compliments on his name.

    Hi, Katie!! I feel your pain, girly! Ha. Don't hold your breath, it could be a while until we finally get around to organizing. Ha.

    Bethany!!! Thanks, girly! The closest I get to organizing is looking at pictures. Ha.


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