
WILW and Valentine's Day 2012

1.  I'M LOVING more than anything is my surprise letter/post from Jer yesterday.  Yesterday, when I come over to my blog and thought of writing a post I noticed that I already had one written for today.  It was truly a lovely surprise and made me weak in the knees to read.  I love him beyond anything.

2.  I'M LOVING Jer gift I made him and I love that he loved it.  He's gonna take it to his office.  :) (you kinda have to read it backwards).  :)

3.  I'M LOVING that I got to spend our my 15th Valentine's Day with the same Valentine!
Here's our video of our v-day (tried making the video bigger but couldn't figure it out):

4.  I'M LOVING this ring:
During the day I got flowers delivered to our house and knew that couldn't be the only thing Jer got me.  Then he came home, had dinner and nothing.  We put B to bed, I made our valentine's day video with all of our pictures and nothing.  Around 11 last night we decided to go to bed and after I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I was about to jump into bed and noticed a box sitting on my pillow.  :)  I opened it....and it was these rings.  I absolutely love them.  They are separate rings that symbolize Jer, me and Boston.  :)  

Hope everyone had an amazing Valentine's Day!

Linking up with Jamie.


  1. hello! just wanted to pop in and say hi, I found your blog on wilw and i love all your fun projects! :-) hope u have an awesome Wednesday. -amy

  2. Your new rings are so pretty! Please let me know where he got those. I have been looking for something like that for my push present from the hubby!

  3. Hi, Amy!! Thanks for poppin' in! Can't wait to head over to your blog. :-)

    Simply Amy - Thank you so much!! This link goes to the exact rings he got me: http://shop.stelladot.com/style/b2c_en_us/harmony-band-rings-set-of-3.html
    They would make a GREAT push gift!


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