
Family, Friends, Baby, Pumpkins and Fair Weekend: Part 2


We wanted to take Boston for his first time to the fair.  No, he won't remember it but WE will.  :)  I'm all about starting traditions and this'll be another.  Whether he remembers or not.  ha.

One of my favorite tents at the fair...crafts!

B loves being on daddy's shoulders.  Daddy was trying to show him the Indian dancers over the crowd.  
So serious.
Big Tex!  

Family Time with Big Tex
Good ol' Cotton Bowl
Games Alley.  We didn't play any games because...
...we had to get down to business.  This would be, fried peanut butter and jelly with banana AND fried cookie dough.  yummo!  And no, Boston did not get any.  I wouldn't want to give him that poison.  :)

About to enter the kids barnyard.

Waiting to watch the pig races.  He wasn't very patient.  

We had an absolute blast.  From the pumpkin patch earlier in the day to the state fair later on that day.  We'll be doing the exact same thing next year and we can't wait!!!

Happy Hump Day,

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