
Family, Friends, Baby, Pumpkins and Fair Weekend: Part 1

Our weekend was a pretty darn good one.  It was bus-ay but fun with a capital F.

We started our weekend off on Friday by having an "Adult" evening with some great friends, the Squyres and the Titus'.  We all met at our house and headed to Cowboy Chow here in Roanoke for some much needed adult time.  My mom came over to watch their babies, Uriah and Londyn and, of course, the B-Man.  THANK YOU, MOM!!!  

These couples were a blast!  We ate, drank and had a grand ol' time!  We didn't take pictures, but it's a must next time.  

Then on Saturday, we headed to Weatherford to see our new baby niece, Khloe!  She is perfect.  Such a beauty.  
Boston wasn't sure what to think of her.  He kept wanting to touch hit her.  He doesn't know his strength just yet.  :)

The next morning, Sunday, we got up and headed to our favorite pumpkin patch the same one we went to last year.

He loved throwing the pumpkin.  He's really got an arm on him.  He throws everything on the ground.  Keeps me busy.  Pumpkins aren't any different.  Jer had to make sure he was ready to catch them.

This was the face he made the WHOLE day every time us or anyone else would look at him.  Who can't help but smile back?  He's such a joy to be around. :-)
Boston wasn't sure what to think of the huge pumpkins.
He was more interested in staring at the other little kids.  He really has a fascination for little kids.  He can pick them and balloons out a mile away.

God gave me these perfect men.  Thank you, Lord!
While standing in line for the train ride, people would make eye contact with him and he would give this cheesy smile.  So sweet!

Sometimes he would get shy, too.  Ha
Boston, smile at the camera, not some stranger.

We're ready for take-off!  Daddy even recorded us on video but he turned it sideways the whole time so I didn't think you'd enjoy the video sideways.  lol.

He loved the ride!  We even rode it 2 times!!!  :)
My love snapped a few pictures of me.  Something he tends to do if he has the camera.  :)
After the pumpkin patch we headed to....the State Fair of Texas!  Tomorrow's post will be all about our fun at the fair.


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