
Weekly Favorites

I'm so excited about these things that I decided to devote a whole post about them to share with you!  Here lately I've been running jagged over this birthday party for this certain kid named Boston.  In exactly 3 weeks from today he turns ONE!  Let's not get into that, I've cried enough over the thought.  So, basically I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to do what I love best, head to Southlake Town Square and S-H-O-P. 

However, last Tuesday I missed, once again, my women's group meeting at church (I promise I'll be there this week, Steph) so I decided to head over to Southlake anyway to take a stroll around the town square.  It was purrrfect weather.  Couldn't have asked for a better day to be out and about.  I actually didn't break a sweat, shocker.  Some of the stores we headed to were the Gap, Victoria's secret and Baby Bliss. 

The Gap because 1) it was Tuesday so as a gap card member I get an automatic 10% off my purchase when I use my Gap card, 2) Jer needed some new jeans since we are about to head into fall, 3) Boston needed some new pj's, 4) they had 40% off denim, 5) I had a 15% off coupon (which I used instead of the 10%), and 6) I had a $20 off reward coupon for using my gap card.  These were my six reasons why I told Jer I just had to go into the Gap.  The stars aligned and I was able to take advantage of these discounts that I had been wanting to use for a while.  I bought several things and my total came out to around 160 bucks but ended up spending 83 buckaroos!  Yep, almost 50% off.  That included a $70 pair of jeans for Jer which ended up costing me $27 and some change!  Yup, I got a pat on the back when I got home. 

Then I headed to VS where I picked up some 2 bottles of lotion.  Plus, I wanted to see what it looked like inside since it had been remodeled.  And it looks great!

After that, B and I trekked all the way across the square to Baby Bliss.  This is such a cute store.  It has neat and different things that you won't see at most of the chain baby stores.  That's where I picked up these two things:
Boon Snack Ball

It can hold up to 6 oz. of snacks inside of it.  The lid slides open and closed.  It can also be used as a toy to roll as a ball.  The opening is perfect enough for B's little fingers to reach in and pull out snacks.  It also unscrews in the middle for easy washing. 

Teething Gummy Sticks by Zoli Baby (not sure why the picture is so blurry) 
They are (from their website):

  • Soft, textured tip to soothe baby's gums
  • Easy to hold with anti-choke shield
  • Includes 2 sticks (1 green and 1 orange)
  • BPA & Phthalate free

  • Boston love, love, loves these new sticks I got him for his molars that are breaking through his gums.  We noticed about 2 weeks ago he was chewing on his fingers a lot but didn't think anything of it since he wasn't fussy.  Then one day while we were in his room playing, Jer had him laying on his back tickling him and while his mouth was open we noticed these in the back of his mouth!
    His new pearly whites.
    These new teething sticks feel good on his gums.  (yes, he actually told me this)  He carries them around everywhere.  When he crawls he carries it in his mouth so his hands are free.  Smart guy, I tell ya!  So we give theses a 2 thumbs up.
    AND lastly my favorite for this week is this...
    You guessed it, it's a high chair.  But its not just any high chair.  It's a Jenny Lind wooden high chair that I've been searching for for months!  Everyone knows I've been looking for this.exact.high.chair.endlessly.  I've searched high and low, left and right but just never wanted to pay more than $30 for one.  People are dang proud of their wooden high chairs.  Especially the taller ones which was key!

    I've always wanted to have one for our back patio so that when we are eating outside Boston can sit in it.  BUT, I mainly wanted it for his birthday party.  I want him to sit in it while he "blows" out his candles on his cake as we sing happy birthday to him.  Yes, I've actually had this pictured in my mind for more months than I can count.  I'm not going to decorate it either.  I want it plain Jane just like it is (if he was a girl, then that would be a different story, it would be fue fue'd out).  I know I'm a weirdo, but when I have my mind set, it's S.E.T! 

    THEN...I just happened to text one of my mother-in-laws (yes, God blessed me with 2 of them!) about looking for a particular wooden high chair.  Lo and behold...she text me back telling me she had a Jenny Lind that was in good condition that Jer's Nanny had gotten years ago that's been passed down to each grandchild! And she sent me this picture (it's a little dusty but nothing a little wood cleaner can't fix).  It was e-x-a-c-t-l-y what I was looking for.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  AHHHHH *cue some triumphant music here* after months of looking it was over with, just in the knick of time for his party!!!  Then I realized, all I had to do was ask my dear MIL, Gina???  After a few screaming calls to my family I calmed and marked that off my "to do/to get" list for his birthday! 

    There ya have it.  My favorite finds for this week! 

    I'm thinking of posting some of my favorite things either weekly or monthly.  I'm accepting thoughts on this idea.  :)

    Happy Sunday, Goooo Cowboys!
    Oh and...WAY TO GO LONGHORNS!!!!  Hook'em!

    P.S. We are keeping in mind what today is and praying for those family members that lost a loved one 10 years ago.  We will never forget.  God Bless the United States of America!

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