
Cool Morning Breakfast

This Texas heat has been torture.  100 plus degree weather for 60 some odd days was crazy.  That finally broke on Monday morning.  We woke up to let the dogs out and Jer could feel the cooler weather outside! We were thrilled.  So, when I walked outside this is what I found.
 Jer sat him outside for his morning breakfast.  And he loved it.
He loves being outside.  I'm happy that it's not so hot anymore so we can go outside and play and take our walks.  He loves to look at the trees.

 And, of course, he has his buddy right next to him.  Actually, Jet picks up the droppings.
 Happy baby boston...with morning eyes.  :-)

Jer and I contemplated eating outside as well but we got lazy.  Maybe this weekend we'll share in some outside weather with Bos.

Leaving you with a short video from last Friday as we were practicing the word Ball during lunch.  :)

Happy Hump Day!

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