
Love Notes. Keeps The Spark Going

I'm going to take this time (which I never do and need to give him credit more often) to gloat a little about my hubby.  You know...the one that: provides for us, loves and adores me and Boston, is my rock, is the better half of the two of us, is an amazing husband and daddy, gave me my precious Boston and most of all....the one that keeps our spark alive and our fire burning.  That hubby.

Simply put he is Irreplaceable.  Simply perfect (just like our son).  I couldn't have asked for a better life partner.  Why am I telling you this?  Well, just the other day I got into his truck (since he took my car to work) for a playdate with my good friend Stephanie O'Dell and I noticed this when I got into his truck.

Yup, a Love Note.  Jer is notorious for leaving them and I love them!  Just when I don't expect one, I find one.  They make me smile every time.  And I must admit, sometimes they make me teary-eyed.  It's little things like that that don't cost or take up too much of his time that he does that I love the most.  Simple but to the point.  So, I give a big THANK YOU to the Love of My Life for the small ways you keep our fire burning.  And keep it burning HOT.  :-)

P.S. Jer - a post like this won't come often, wouldn't want your head to erupt.  :)

Your eternal wife,

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