
5 years = Wood

A month later and we're finally talking about our anniversary gifts.  But it was a MUST that I document this.  :)

This year was numero FIVE.  5 years of awesome marriage to the LOML (love of my life).  This year, like every year we went on a trip.  We packed up our bags and baby and went to San Francisco (I promise I'll post all about this trip, hopefully before the end of the year). 

Since 5 years = wood I decided to get Jer something wood-ish (even though our trip tickets are paper/woodish).  So I searched my favorite website, Etsy!  And I found a shop that sold MDF boards that had 60-70 little sayings that described events, things, places or happenings within the life of our relationship.  I included ALL things the that have been important to us throughout our whole relationship instead of just including things from our 5 years of marriage.  So I made my list, sent it over to her, told her what colors I wanted and she made this!

 Here's a better view of the "Cook" that she included in the middle of the board. 

Jer and I also decided to get something together that would grow with us so we decided to get a tree for our backyard.  I'll post all about that later. 

You might be wondering what Jer got me...well that too will come later.  Let's just say, it involved thrift shopping.  My favorite hobby.  This man know how to make my heart grow...he gets it right everytime. 

Happy Monday,

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