
Dedicated To The Lord

Did y'all notice something?  Okay, I'll answer...I was gone for One Whole Week!  I've never done that.  I decided to take a break, sabbatical, vacation or whatever you want to call it.  I decided that for one week I would devote all my attention to my sweet baby boy and preparing/planning for his 1st birthday party.  I won't take another week off until next year but I also won't be as diligent as usual in blogging until his birthday party is over.  So call it your warning.  :)  Anyway...on to the real matters at hand and that is that...

Boston was dedicated! 

One week ago today, last Sunday, August 14, 2011, we dedicated Boston to the Lord at our church Gateway (Southlake campus).  We felt like such proud parents.  We were so proud of him for doing so well with all of the chaos that went with having 22 people around him all day Sunday.  He was a trooper.  We give him the trooper award and two thumbs up. 

The night before, Jer and I had a date night which I wish I could say was relaxing and calm but it was far from it. We went to dinner then rushed to two stores to pick up last minute things for our lunch that we were hosting at our house after the dedication the next day. We didn't end up getting home until around 10:30 pm. We got home and my mom and I started preparing while Jer set up the tables for our lunch. (luckily, that day while I was co-hosting a baby shower Jer was home with Boston cleaning the house and washing all of our laundry so I didn't have to worry about that too. I know, he's a keeper, you don't have to tell me twice!)

Before heading out on our date.
Here's my love washing those dishes.  You go Jer!  Oh and Thank You, MUAH! (That's my virtual kiss to him)
However, it was indeed a great night with my love.  We went to my favorite place near our house the Cheesecake Factory.  Jer doesn't even have to ask me anymore where I want to eat.  I usually just say, "Cheesecake!"  We always split a meal (the combination meal of steak diane and chicken madera) and then split a strawberry shortcake.  Mannnn...they are YUMMO!!  If you haven't ever tried this meal and dessert, I highly suggest you try it.  They are both great meals to split!  I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. 

Okay about those cookies.  I baked cross cookies and iced them while my mom cut up all the fruit for our fruit salad.  I didn't get any pictures of the meal but we served light brunch-y type food: Tarragon Chicken Salad (from Central Market, the-very-best-chicken-salad-ever) on croissants, potato chips, fruit and fruit dip.  It was a perfect lunch to a perfect dedication. 

Our baby boy has his chair ready to eat.
He's ready!
My favorite part of his outfit were his white loafers.  Love love love these!  They topped off his outfit.  Let me tell ya, it's H-A-R-D to find white loafers.
 How he knew we were on the big screen behind us...we don't know!  Ha.  But we like to call him, Genius.  :-)
Dedicating our son.  So proud.

The sign in table in our entry for our guests
This says, "Please write something that you pray for Boston.  He will open these when he turns 18." And we had individual cards that said, "I pray that you...." for each guest to fill out. 
Cake and cookie table.  These were a hit.  We barely had any cake or cookies left.
We had the scripture Mark 10:16 written on his cake
His sweet gifts from our family and friends.  He is such a blessed little guy.  
All in all it was a complete success.  This day was one of the most special days for us as parents.  We will be forever grateful to all of our friends and family that showed up to support our B-man.  Thank you all, again!

P.S. Mark 10:16 - "And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them."

~Jen and Jer

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