
160th Post


Wow, it felt like just the other day that I posted my 100th post and I thought THAT was a lot.  I never thought I'd have 160 slightly interesting things to say but I guess I did (to me atleast and a few others).  :) 

This post isn't about anything except the numbers 1-6-0.  Yup, boring, I know.  However I do have some cool things to share with you all very soon. 

Btw - if you read this blog either on a daily, weekly, monthly or whenever your bored basis...feel free to leave a comment (and follow me if you wanna go the extra mile. I wouldn't want to go an extra mile even if it's walking so I won't blame you if you don't either).  You wouldn't know it but comments actually fuel my fire.  Like...sweets fuel my love-handles.  I really do heart reading your comments.  Makes my blogging all that more fun and frequent (I just noticed that I haven't received a comment since JUNE...like 2 months ago!  Big :-( sad face).  Sooo...in short, leave a comment even if they are mean (they build character) or ask away if you have any questions.  I love answering questions.  Although, if you read this blog you know all of our life's juicy details.  It's fun having strangers and friends no the in's and out's of us even though Boston might not think its fun when he gets older.  But until then, what he doesn't know won't hurt him.  :-)

One more thing...a big Thank You to all of my followers!  You guys rock.  :-)

Until next time, have a happy happy Tuesday,


  1. Love you and your blog!! It's on my list of favorites. Check it pretty much every day!!

  2. Awww!! Thanks my sweet, pretty and cash's mommy friend. I love you back! Thanks for being our avid reader, means a lot! :-)


Thank you for your comment! I read each and every one of them! :)