
Who's That Birthday Girl?

That would be Baylee Smith!  Boston's future girlfriend?  Future bride? Who knows.  Boston + Baylee...I like it.  :) 

Baylee turned 1 year old this month and last Saturday we attended her birthday party.  First, I have to start by saying that I truly love her family.  Every.single.one.of.them.  They are the nicest sweetest people.  It doesn't hurt that we've known them for a long long time.  :)  Anyway, we had a ton of fun chatting it up with everyone and watching these two play...
 first there was a little shy-ness...but quickly there was less shy-ness (she must have been looking at all of his teeth...I guess she gets it from her dad who's a dentist)...
 what's that on your head, Boston?  that looks funny.
Holly and April (and her cute baby-bump) was gracious to over-see this little couple group.  :-) Thanks girls!  You might ask where Jer and I were?  Well after I did some picture taking I went and got me some awesome food and stuffed my face (thanks Candy for keeping me company).  And Jer, well he was doing what he does best...talking!  All the while, our child was enjoying his visit with the beautiful birthday girl. 

Here are some pictures of the super cute party which had a Ladybug theme:
the smash cake.  too cute.
 the Cake!  super duper cute.  and super duper yummy coupled with a scoop of ice cream.  you know me, I'm a sucker for sweets (and if you didn't know, now you do).
 why use hands?  it's better without them.  :)
 daddy (Eric) and the birthday girl
 Ashlee, Baylee's mommy with my B-Man
 Nathan, Ashlee's brother with the B-ster
This gets me excited for B's birthday party.  Wait...let me clarify...I'll be excited to throw his party NOT about him turning 1.  Luckily I have several months until then, but I'll need to start emotionally preparing myself for the thought of having a one year old and not a newborn (which I HIGHLY miss) still.  

Today, we are attending another one of Boston's friends birthday.  He is turning 1 also.  More on that later!  :) 

Happy Weekend,

**Ash, blogger isn't letting me comment to your comment for some reason.  I'll keep trying, though.  :)


  1. Jen and Jeremy and Boston! You guys are the absolute sweetest people ever. We are so lucky to have you as friends. I can't wait to watch Baylee and Boston grow up together. Thank you for celebrating Baylee's first birthday with us. I can't wait for Boston's!!! And, by the way, my family loves your family so much!!! :)

  2. Oh, I feel so special. I get a special note on your blog! :)


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