
Look What I Found

This child of mine is keeping me on my toes or should I say...keeping me on my running-fast-to-him-feet.  As I was washing bottles a few days ago, I found this...
and this... 
and this... 

I couldn't believe my eyes.  He has barely started crawling and now he's already standing up on his own.  Geez...can a momma get a break?  Before I know it I'm gonna look up and see him running across our house.  Jer and I knew this day would come but everything seems to be coming quicker than we had hoped which is exactly what we've been told by several people (really, everyone we'd see when he was just a little bitty peanut).  Everyone told us to cherish this moment because they grow up so fast.  And now I know what they're talking about.  We still imagine him being too small to fit properly in his swing, swinging away and even napping in his swing.  Not anymore, now this guy is standing!  Gracious!

THEN, that same day, as I was laying him down in his crib for a morning nap I found this...
 yes that's him...
 standing in his crib (with a..."What? I'm innocent" face)!
 A double THEN...I found these marks on his crib railing.  Eekkk!
 I found and caught the Woodpecker in action. 
Sadly our next baby is going to have a chipped up crib.  But he/she can thank its teething brother for that. 

On our weekend agenda:
1) babyproofing the crib
2) lowering the mattress crib
3) babyproofing the rest of the house for our crawling/stander-uper
4) researching for some good but cheaply priced gates for our stairs

If anyone has any suggestions for babyproofing, I'm all ears! 



  1. Surprised the heck out of me when I looked at the monitor and saw Cash standing in his crib. Before we know it these crazy kids are going to be jumping out of them. I made Kal lower the crib that day. Their growing up to fast!! Boston is getting so tall... And I love his faces that he makes. You've got a future model on your hands!

  2. I love the pics of Boston. What a beautiful little boy! Glad Jer found a job they'll be luck to have him.


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